Obesity is a worldwide problem today and a major one at that.
Popularly referred to as lifestyle disease, the number of people affected by this issue is perennially on the rise.
Alarmingly, this rate is quite high with young adults and adolescents in both developing and developed countries.
The WHO (World Health Organization) has classified obesity as a growing epidemic.
With such shocking information, it is but essential to curb this universal issue at the earliest.
Today's culture and lifestyle are the driving forces behind obesity and the lackadaisical nature of people has further contributed to this disease.
The best way to curtail obesity is by nipping it in the bud.
There is nothing more ideal than inculcating the habit of exercising and healthy eating early in life.
Kids and adolescents should be educated about this rising issue and nurturing good habits quite in the initial stages is advised and promoted by many local and international bodies of health.
Adults go to gyms and avail the services of a personal trainer.
A preventive mechanism is always preferred to such a reactive mechanism.
Kids are constantly motivated to play thereby working on their flexibility, strength and endurance but as they progress into their teen years, physical activity reduces and other sedentary distractions interest them.
It is then that intervention in the form of sports and exercises become necessary.
This article enumerates the benefits of beginning exercises at an early age.
(1) Engaging in physical activity from an early age helps in building strong muscles and a good bone structure.
It ensures a leaner body and minimizes or alleviates the chances of obesity.
(2) Type 2 diabetes can be minimized.
Cholesterol levels in blood and blood pressure can be controlled to a substantial extent.
These help in creating a better chance of staying healthy as kids grow.
(3) Good amount of regular physical activity encourages better sleep and helps adolescents to cope with stress effectively.
It also promotes longer attention span.
(4) Children who exercise tend to improve on their self confidence levels.
So will there be a noticeable increase in their self esteem levels.
The teens of today undergo a lot of depression because they are expected to excel in every field and outperform their peers consistently.
This puts them under undue stress.
Focusing or channelizing their thoughts and time towards a sport or some physical activity on a routine basis helps in minimizing stress levels and creates a healthier mind and body.
(5) High powered exercises like skipping, jumping, running etc are researched to be very effective for bone development.
Bones, muscles and ligaments respond best to such kinds of exercises.
Introducing exercises or some form of physical activity should be perceived as an enjoyable experience and adults who supervise children play a crucial role here.
Encouraging a healthy lifestyle in your children today is an investment for their future.
Any habit that begins at an early age continues to stay on with you and becomes an inevitable aspect of your routine with the passage of time.
Popularly referred to as lifestyle disease, the number of people affected by this issue is perennially on the rise.
Alarmingly, this rate is quite high with young adults and adolescents in both developing and developed countries.
The WHO (World Health Organization) has classified obesity as a growing epidemic.
With such shocking information, it is but essential to curb this universal issue at the earliest.
Today's culture and lifestyle are the driving forces behind obesity and the lackadaisical nature of people has further contributed to this disease.
The best way to curtail obesity is by nipping it in the bud.
There is nothing more ideal than inculcating the habit of exercising and healthy eating early in life.
Kids and adolescents should be educated about this rising issue and nurturing good habits quite in the initial stages is advised and promoted by many local and international bodies of health.
Adults go to gyms and avail the services of a personal trainer.
A preventive mechanism is always preferred to such a reactive mechanism.
Kids are constantly motivated to play thereby working on their flexibility, strength and endurance but as they progress into their teen years, physical activity reduces and other sedentary distractions interest them.
It is then that intervention in the form of sports and exercises become necessary.
This article enumerates the benefits of beginning exercises at an early age.
(1) Engaging in physical activity from an early age helps in building strong muscles and a good bone structure.
It ensures a leaner body and minimizes or alleviates the chances of obesity.
(2) Type 2 diabetes can be minimized.
Cholesterol levels in blood and blood pressure can be controlled to a substantial extent.
These help in creating a better chance of staying healthy as kids grow.
(3) Good amount of regular physical activity encourages better sleep and helps adolescents to cope with stress effectively.
It also promotes longer attention span.
(4) Children who exercise tend to improve on their self confidence levels.
So will there be a noticeable increase in their self esteem levels.
The teens of today undergo a lot of depression because they are expected to excel in every field and outperform their peers consistently.
This puts them under undue stress.
Focusing or channelizing their thoughts and time towards a sport or some physical activity on a routine basis helps in minimizing stress levels and creates a healthier mind and body.
(5) High powered exercises like skipping, jumping, running etc are researched to be very effective for bone development.
Bones, muscles and ligaments respond best to such kinds of exercises.
Introducing exercises or some form of physical activity should be perceived as an enjoyable experience and adults who supervise children play a crucial role here.
Encouraging a healthy lifestyle in your children today is an investment for their future.
Any habit that begins at an early age continues to stay on with you and becomes an inevitable aspect of your routine with the passage of time.