- 1). Remove pans, aluminum foil and the oven racks from the oven. It is safe to leave the oven racks in place during a self-cleaning cycle, but the extreme heat will discolor them. Wipe up any fresh spills on the oven floor with a damp cloth.
- 2). Verify that your oven's clock is set to the current time. Press the button on your Sears oven's control panel marked "Clean." Depending on your exact model, the button may be labeled "Flex Clean" or "Select Clean," but the button's label will include the word "clean."
- 3). Adjust the duration of the self-cleaning cycle by pressing the up and down arrow buttons, or using your Sears oven's numerical key pad, depending on your model. Use a two-hour cycle if your Sears oven is lightly soiled, and a three- or four-hour cycle for a dirtier oven.
- 4). Press the "Start "button or release the up and down arrow buttons to begin the self-cleaning cycle.
- 5). Wait for your Sears oven to complete the cleaning, the cool down and the unlocking of the door. Wipe the interior surfaces with a damp cloth to remove the white residue, which is a normal result of the self-cleaning cycle.