If you have hydroponic garden, it is very important for you to balance the levels of the pH since it can influence to the healthy growth of your pants.
You should know that the plants in your hydroponic garden require staying in the proper pH level so that they can absorb the nutrients.
Basically, each plant has each own optimal pH level, but you need to know that most plants have a pH between 6.
0 and 6.
5 that is slightly acidic.
By making daily testing and also adjustment of the pH levels of your hydroponic garden, this can pay off in the beautiful, healthy plants.
Just check out the following tips.
The first thing that you need to do is to add any fertilizer or nutrients that you commonly used before testing or adjusting the level of pH in your garden.
The nutrients can possibly affect the pH levels, generally raising them as plants use the nutrients.
The second thing that you have to do is to check the level of pH by using liquid pH test kit, paper test strip, or digital pH meter.
If you are using liquid test kit or paper test strip, you should make comparison about the colour of the dye to the colour chart for determining the level of pH.
The third thing is to add phosphoric acid for lowering the pH when you find that the levels are too high.
Besides, you can also try using nitric or sulphuric acid in order to lower the pH.
However, these chemicals can be more dangerous.
The citric acid is generally used in the organic hydroponic gardening for lowering the pH.
The next thing is to add potassium hydroxide to increase the level of pH.
You can commonly find potassium hydroxide which is already diluted commercially.
Lastly, you need to check the pH again by using your test kit, digital meter, or paper strip.
You can add more phosphoric acid or potassium hydroxide until the level of the pH is where you would like it to be.
It is important for you to check the pH level in your hydroponic garden daily.
You should know that the plants in your hydroponic garden require staying in the proper pH level so that they can absorb the nutrients.
Basically, each plant has each own optimal pH level, but you need to know that most plants have a pH between 6.
0 and 6.
5 that is slightly acidic.
By making daily testing and also adjustment of the pH levels of your hydroponic garden, this can pay off in the beautiful, healthy plants.
Just check out the following tips.
The first thing that you need to do is to add any fertilizer or nutrients that you commonly used before testing or adjusting the level of pH in your garden.
The nutrients can possibly affect the pH levels, generally raising them as plants use the nutrients.
The second thing that you have to do is to check the level of pH by using liquid pH test kit, paper test strip, or digital pH meter.
If you are using liquid test kit or paper test strip, you should make comparison about the colour of the dye to the colour chart for determining the level of pH.
The third thing is to add phosphoric acid for lowering the pH when you find that the levels are too high.
Besides, you can also try using nitric or sulphuric acid in order to lower the pH.
However, these chemicals can be more dangerous.
The citric acid is generally used in the organic hydroponic gardening for lowering the pH.
The next thing is to add potassium hydroxide to increase the level of pH.
You can commonly find potassium hydroxide which is already diluted commercially.
Lastly, you need to check the pH again by using your test kit, digital meter, or paper strip.
You can add more phosphoric acid or potassium hydroxide until the level of the pH is where you would like it to be.
It is important for you to check the pH level in your hydroponic garden daily.