You come into contact with a stranger.
He is very friendly, kind, and seems to demonstrate many of the characteristics of a good person.
But He doesn't have what you have, and doesn't know that he desperately needs it, and you may not realize that he needs it.
Hopefully before long in the conversation you'll realize his need and begin to help him see it for himself.
But what is it that you have, and he needs? It's the Gospel-- the realization of sin and death, turning from it in repentance and turning to God, understanding that only through Jesus' shed blood can one be forgiven and accepted.
Think about the importance of the Gospel.
It's a matter of life and death! The Bible shows us very clearly just how important it is to be sharing this Gospel, "And he said to them, 'Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
'" (Mark 16:15) "Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.
" (Colossians 4:5) How are you doing with that "making the best use of the time" command? In your average day how many people do you strike up conversations with about God and the Bible? You may talk about a variety of things, but before you walk away, have they heard at least something small about the God you love? Since sharing God with people is definitely the best possible use of time, what is there that could help you share? o Growth in your relationship with God occurs when you spend time in His Word and meditate on Him, and the results of growth will overflow into every area of your life, including your everyday conversations! There is always a danger for those who have placed their trust in Jesus to slack in their growth as a believer, most often because of the time it takes (as with any relationship).
But it must be done in order to experience the incomparable joy of God's presence, and will also benefit others.
One particular study that would be beneficial to you and in your outreach to others would be a chronological Bible study.
You will better be able to understand how the Bible is one continuing story about God's work, and that bigger picture will allow you to clearly share with those who need what you have.
There are free chronological studies out there, so don't give up on the search! o As you establish a consistent time of personal growth in your own relationship with God, take those Bible studies and share them with others.
Some might be excellent to share with friends who also believe, and there may be some that you can give to an unbelieving friend.
As an unbeliever watches your life and sees the joy and peace you have, he or she may be accepting of a study that helps him see what gives you that spirit.
The chronological Bible study is a good, solid foundation to build on, and will help unbelievers see the big picture from the beginning.
And offering these studies free-of-charge might just be a step in changing the attitude of a stubborn person.
You never know how a life might be changed for eternity by your faithfulness in studying and sharing.
One individual who had received a free chronological Bible study declared that his life would never be the same because of what he'd learned, and he was eager to pass the study along to others.
Such stories aren't uncommon, unless you never take the time to pass along free Bible study lessons.
What's hindering you?
He is very friendly, kind, and seems to demonstrate many of the characteristics of a good person.
But He doesn't have what you have, and doesn't know that he desperately needs it, and you may not realize that he needs it.
Hopefully before long in the conversation you'll realize his need and begin to help him see it for himself.
But what is it that you have, and he needs? It's the Gospel-- the realization of sin and death, turning from it in repentance and turning to God, understanding that only through Jesus' shed blood can one be forgiven and accepted.
Think about the importance of the Gospel.
It's a matter of life and death! The Bible shows us very clearly just how important it is to be sharing this Gospel, "And he said to them, 'Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
'" (Mark 16:15) "Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.
" (Colossians 4:5) How are you doing with that "making the best use of the time" command? In your average day how many people do you strike up conversations with about God and the Bible? You may talk about a variety of things, but before you walk away, have they heard at least something small about the God you love? Since sharing God with people is definitely the best possible use of time, what is there that could help you share? o Growth in your relationship with God occurs when you spend time in His Word and meditate on Him, and the results of growth will overflow into every area of your life, including your everyday conversations! There is always a danger for those who have placed their trust in Jesus to slack in their growth as a believer, most often because of the time it takes (as with any relationship).
But it must be done in order to experience the incomparable joy of God's presence, and will also benefit others.
One particular study that would be beneficial to you and in your outreach to others would be a chronological Bible study.
You will better be able to understand how the Bible is one continuing story about God's work, and that bigger picture will allow you to clearly share with those who need what you have.
There are free chronological studies out there, so don't give up on the search! o As you establish a consistent time of personal growth in your own relationship with God, take those Bible studies and share them with others.
Some might be excellent to share with friends who also believe, and there may be some that you can give to an unbelieving friend.
As an unbeliever watches your life and sees the joy and peace you have, he or she may be accepting of a study that helps him see what gives you that spirit.
The chronological Bible study is a good, solid foundation to build on, and will help unbelievers see the big picture from the beginning.
And offering these studies free-of-charge might just be a step in changing the attitude of a stubborn person.
You never know how a life might be changed for eternity by your faithfulness in studying and sharing.
One individual who had received a free chronological Bible study declared that his life would never be the same because of what he'd learned, and he was eager to pass the study along to others.
Such stories aren't uncommon, unless you never take the time to pass along free Bible study lessons.
What's hindering you?