What are you going to do if you live next door to someone who works in a Chicken Procession Plant? What if the neighbor across the street owns a chicken farm? What if your kid's soccer coach is an FDA inspector of poultry? What if your Avon Lady's husband is a veterinarian who occasionally works with parrots, exotic birds or volunteers at the wildlife reserve and works there with birds? What are you going to do if the Bird Flu breaks out and you are often in contact or your family is in contact with such folks? Are you already considering on moving? What about a vaccine, what if there are not enough to go around? Are you going to tell your kids to quit the soccer team? Will you stop taking to your Avon Lady? Will you and your neighbors be strictly on an "email" or "test messaging" basis? Do you live by someone who works in a Chicken Processing Plant? Okay so you don't, well that is a good isn't it? Now, then does someone in their church work in a Chicken Processing Plant or Chicken Farm? No? How do you know? You see the problem with a human strain of Bird Flu? Is your family safe from harm, do you have a plan, will your plan keep them safe? Have you ever considered any of that yet? Think on this in 2006.