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5 Quick Weight Loss Tips

Quick weight loss tips are much sought after by folks eager to lose some weight in the shortest time possible.
You could be a bride preparing for your wedding and needed to slim down to fit into your gown nicely, or in your mid-40s and want to lose that beer belly.
Whatever the reason may be, it is not wrong to desire to lose weight quickly.
But the key is to do so healthily.
This article is packed with 10 goodie tips that would put you on the right track to losing those extra unwanted pounds on your body and regaining the dream body you always loved to have.
Here's 5 simple quick weight loss tips: Quick Weight Loss Tip 1 - Losing Weight is an Equation Losing weight means you have to eat lesser calories than what your body needs.
This translates to consuming lesser calories than your daily energy requirement.
Follow the Basal Metabollic Rate (BMR) formula which you will find on my blog to calculate your BMR.
This tells you how much calories you need to intake in order to maintain your body weight.
You will need to step down your daily calorie intake by about 500 calories in order to lose one pound in one week's time.
Quick Weight Loss Tip 2 - Eat More Meals and Don't Skip Them Before you start wondering if you are reading correctly, let me assure you that your eyes are not playing tricks on you.
It is a myth that skipping meals would help you to lose weight quickly and effectively.
Your body would slow down its metabolism when you skip meals, in a bid to conserve energy, hence burning away lesser calories.
You end up hungry and yet not achieving the desired weight loss.
Spread your meals from 3 big meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner into 5-6 smaller meals comprising the 3 main light meals and 2-3 other snacking time.
This would distribute your calorie intake and reach a good balance.
Quick Weight Loss Tip 3 - Eat Green Stock up your fridge with lots of leafy green vegetables and fruits.
Vegetables and fruits are rich sources of fiber and water and add weight and volume to our food.
This makes our stomachs full while maintaining a lower calorie count since fruits and vegetables are inherently low in calories and fat content.
They also pack our bodies with healthy nutrients making our diet a balanced one.
Quick Weight Loss Tip 4 - Sleep Well Sleeping is a favorite quick weight loss tip since it is one of the most effortless.
Do not understand the power of having enough sleep.
It is vital to your overall weight loss plan.
Medical research has proven that sleep deprivation would induce hunger, and improve appetite.
This often results in excessive eating.
Likewise, having sufficient sleep of at least 8 hours helps to bring a balance to the leptin level and aids weight loss.
Quick Weight Loss Tip 5 - Exercise Enough Some folks hate this quick weight loss tip and are immediately turned off.
Sad to say, in order to maintain a healthy weight, exercise is necessary.
Dieting and making adjustments to your eating habits would only win you half the game.
Regular exercising is the missing part of the quick weight loss puzzle.
You may be wondering how much is enough? Physical trainers or even your doctors would advise you to go for moderate exercise sessions of 30 minutes each time.
Repeat the routine for a minimum of 3 times a week for effective weight loss.
You would be surprised how fast you start to lose inches off your waist and hips once you begin your exercise regime.
These quick weight loss tips are useful to you only when you apply them after reading.
Many people fail in doing so because of poor motivation and lack of moral support from their family and closed friends.
Share with them about your weight loss plan and encourage them to remind you from time to time about your goal to lose weight quickly.
This would spur you on to be focused.
Read up my blog if you desire to find out more about natural and healthy ways to lose up to 28 pounds within 3 short weeks.
This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website.
The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.
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