Insurance Health Insurance

A Short Guide to Health Insurance

What is health insurance Health insurance, also sometimes called private medical insurance(PMI) is designed to cover the costs of costly or unexpected personal health care.
Private health insurance is available for both individuals and businesses.
Also, some individuals purchase PMI directly, while others are offered it as a benefit as part of their employment package.
How is health insurance paid? Like most types of insurance, PMI is paid via premiums which are paid monthly, quarterly or annually, depending on your insurer and your preference.
You can pay online or by phone or post.
Payment options include online transfer debit or credit card and cheque.
You'll usually receive an annual quote for your premiums and your premiums will be reviewed each year.
PM insurance and the NHS Health insurance is separate to the NHS and complements, rather than replaces, it.
People choose to take out a private policy because it gives them peace of mind that they will be seen quickly should something unexpected happen.
Although the NHS is a brilliant facility in this country, it is under strain and waiting times can be significant.
You are likely to be seen by a health specialist much more quickly if you have a private health policy.
Why take out private health insurance? There are a number of benefits to PMI.
Here are the main ones: • You'll get seen faster than on the NHS • You'll have a say over when and where you're seen • You won't have to pay a lump sum out of your own money.
Health insurance is available for the whole family and isn't only relevant for older people, as some mistakenly believe.
For example, young people can also sustain sports injuries or need to have an operation.
Your health Some people assume that if they have any kind of existing health condition, they won't be eligible for PMI.
This isn't true.
Contact insurers and see what's available and what the restrictions are.
If you have a pre-existing condition, you'll still usually be eligible for cover, just excluding that condition.
Shop around Ensure that you do your research before purchasing a policy.
Ask questions, read the small print, consider having someone else read it too and get at least three quotes.
Information required When you apply for private health insurance you may be required to provide the following information: • Medical history (depending on the type of policy) • Age • Gender • Residential status • Job • Proof of ID If anyone else will be covered by the policy, these details will be required for them as well.
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