Insurance Health Insurance

Medical Care Options For Uninsured Americans

These days, with the economy, job loss, and numerous other financial problems, the problem of no health insurance is on the minds of many Americans.
This is not a new problem, but with so many people facing this question, it's come to the forefront once again.
So what are the options for people who don't have health insurance? What happens when they get sick, have an injury, or just need a regular check up? The price of healthcare is not going down, but the need for healthcare hasn't diminished either.
A mother with a sick child can't very well dismiss the need to see a doctor because she has no health insurance, so what does she do? An elderly man may have Medicare, but that is not always sufficient for all his needs.
This healthcare crisis is very real in our country and unfortunately it doesn't look like it is going to get any better.
One of the two presidential candidates promises to deregulate healthcare and give individuals and families with employment health insurance the option of buying their own insurance on the open market.
Employers will be required to pay taxes on the insurance they purchase on behalf of their employees.
This proposed measure is sure prompt employers to stop providing health insurance.
The result will be millions of people without health insurance who are forced to seek insurance on the open market.
Insurance cost, due to deregulation is sure to increase, forcing many Americans to go without insurance.
How do the uninsured get medical care? In very creative ways if you take the time to search for them.
There are three sources of medical care that the uninsured can tap into.
These sources are not widely known but they are a blessing to millions of Americans who are desperate for medical attention.
Colleges and Universities, Community/Public Health Clinics, and Medical Study Participation are the three sources of medical care that individuals and families without health insurance can use for their healthcare needs.
Colleges and Universities Most college and university campuses that have a medical and/or dental program have a clinic.
Students in these programs must have practical experience so the school establishes a lab.
This lab is the place for students to practice what they have learned for the last few months or years of study.
The students must have patients to work on so this is where you come in.
the process is simple for the most part and requires a standard application, appointment time and small fee.
A search through the phone book or website will give you the contact information you need.
Call or email the clinic on campus for information and an appointment.
If the clinic has a page on the school's website you should be able to gather the majority of the information you need from there.
Some clinics will have either an online application or a downloadable application that you can submit ahead of time or bring for your appointment.
Appointment times may be easy to obtain or difficult depending on the popularity of the clinic.
Sometimes the next appointment available may be weeks or months away, but don't let that discourage you.
Make an appointment anyway and call periodically to see if there is a cancellation.
The fees are usually quite low and affordable for the average person.
Depending on the services you may pay a fee of $25 up to $125.
The clinic nearest you can give you exact amounts.
Some clinics may have a sliding scale system where the fee is based on your income.
The students providing the services are upper level and provide care under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
They are extra careful and take their time because their grade depends on the quality of service.
You may spend a little longer than usual in the clinic because the thoroughness of the care takes priority over the swiftness you may be accustomed to.
Read about the other two ways to get healthcare if you don't have insurance here.
(c) 2008 Samantha Gregory
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