- The following companies are eligible to write individual health insurance in Colorado: Aetna, Anthem BlueCross BlueShield, CIGNA, Celtic Insurance Company, Companion Life Insurance Company, Golden Rule, Humana, Kaiser Permanente and Rocky Mountain Health Plan. If you prefer one company over the others and know the benefits you want included in your policy, contact that company directly to apply. Most people are uninformed about the differences in available insurance policies. If this is the case, consider using an independent health insurance agent to guide you through the enrollment process.
- Purchasing health insurance can be complicated. The Affordable Care Act, passed in March 2010, created broad healthcare reforms throughout the United States; however, most of the provisions do not become law until 2014. An independent health insurance agent can help you choose a company and plan that best suits your coverage needs. An experienced agent will help you understand which parts of the Affordable Care Act are currently in effect.
- If you have pre-existing health conditions that may prevent you from acquiring a standard health insurance policy, Colorado offers a high-risk insurance pool, known as CoverColorado. CoverColorado is available for people who are otherwise unable to obtain health insurance in Colorado. CoverColorado offers several different plan options, all of which cover routine preventive care and offer prescription drug coverage. Applicants with household incomes below the qualifying threshhold may qualify for a premium discount.
- Low-income Colorado residents may be eligible for Medicaid coverage. To qualify for Colorado Medicaid, you must meet income requirements. Applications can be found on Colorado's state website. Uninsured dependent children and pregnant women can explore insurance options through Child Health Plan Plus. Infants born to women covered by Child Health Plan Plus are also covered until they are 60 days old. Child Health Plan Plus is available for children 18 and under whose parents make too much to qualify for Medicaid but still can't afford private insurance.
- Explore the available options for individual health insurance. Colorado has programs for people who are unable to afford private insurance. People without health insurance can suffer devastating financial consequences if they become ill. Consider that a short hospital stay with a surgical procedure can easily cost in the tens of thousands of dollars. Carrying individual health insurance can protect you and your family.
Writing Companies
Finding an Agent
Pre-Existing Conditions
Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus