Health insurance is all about preventing the unknown from ruining us.
A health condition can cause financial bankruptcy which is why health insurance is important for everyone everywhere.
Today, we have more and more un-employed and self-employed people.
This group of people tend to find it more difficult to access affordable health plans.
Many of them have to find ways of stretching their limited finances to include health coverage.
In fact this has made some of them rationalize that they do not need a health plan.
Of course this is very untrue.
What we need to do is to look at this problem again and find a way for self-employed and un-employed people can access adequate medical insurance.
People who are employed do not have this problem as their employer provides them with a medical plan as part of their employment package.
This is not so with self or un-employed people who have to find their own plan and pay for it form their pockets.
What options are available? The biggest issues with health insurance is monthly premium.
How much can I afford to pay monthly? The less I can pay, the less coverage I can get unless of course I have enough information to be able to make use of the system in my favor.
If I am looking to pay low premiums, I could always go with HMOs where I can get the lowest premiums.
I may not get the best of coverage here as I would be expected to be a part of a network of doctors and hospitals from whom I can receive treatment from.
Any treatment received from a hospital or doctor outside this network would not be covered in my policy.
For young and relative healthy people, Using an HSA with high deductible is a good way out.
An HSA (Health Savings Account) is a scheme where you can save tax free towards the paying of your deductible which as to be at least a minimum amount for you to qualify for an HSA.
Remember that the higher your deductible, the lower your premium would be.
With this HSA, you set your deductible very high, bringing your monthly payments very low and the to avoid inability to pay the high deductible, you save in your HSA tax free towards it.
If you are healthy and in a year you did not need to use the funds in your account for the payment of deductibles, then it is rolled over to the next year.
The good news is that you can use this fund for any health related issue - dental care, massage, acupuncture etc- while the sad news is that it can only be used for health related needs tax free.
Any other use would attract a tax.
There are more plans that you can look at before deciding on which to go with.
The best thing for you to do is to compare health insurance rates.
You can do this by getting free quotes from quotes comparison sites.
From the quotes you would get from several insurance companies, compare health insurance rates and terms to determine which plan, policy or insurer would be best for you.
Doing this would not only help you find an affordable health insurance plan, it would also help you choose the right policy and the right insurance company.
A health condition can cause financial bankruptcy which is why health insurance is important for everyone everywhere.
Today, we have more and more un-employed and self-employed people.
This group of people tend to find it more difficult to access affordable health plans.
Many of them have to find ways of stretching their limited finances to include health coverage.
In fact this has made some of them rationalize that they do not need a health plan.
Of course this is very untrue.
What we need to do is to look at this problem again and find a way for self-employed and un-employed people can access adequate medical insurance.
People who are employed do not have this problem as their employer provides them with a medical plan as part of their employment package.
This is not so with self or un-employed people who have to find their own plan and pay for it form their pockets.
What options are available? The biggest issues with health insurance is monthly premium.
How much can I afford to pay monthly? The less I can pay, the less coverage I can get unless of course I have enough information to be able to make use of the system in my favor.
If I am looking to pay low premiums, I could always go with HMOs where I can get the lowest premiums.
I may not get the best of coverage here as I would be expected to be a part of a network of doctors and hospitals from whom I can receive treatment from.
Any treatment received from a hospital or doctor outside this network would not be covered in my policy.
For young and relative healthy people, Using an HSA with high deductible is a good way out.
An HSA (Health Savings Account) is a scheme where you can save tax free towards the paying of your deductible which as to be at least a minimum amount for you to qualify for an HSA.
Remember that the higher your deductible, the lower your premium would be.
With this HSA, you set your deductible very high, bringing your monthly payments very low and the to avoid inability to pay the high deductible, you save in your HSA tax free towards it.
If you are healthy and in a year you did not need to use the funds in your account for the payment of deductibles, then it is rolled over to the next year.
The good news is that you can use this fund for any health related issue - dental care, massage, acupuncture etc- while the sad news is that it can only be used for health related needs tax free.
Any other use would attract a tax.
There are more plans that you can look at before deciding on which to go with.
The best thing for you to do is to compare health insurance rates.
You can do this by getting free quotes from quotes comparison sites.
From the quotes you would get from several insurance companies, compare health insurance rates and terms to determine which plan, policy or insurer would be best for you.
Doing this would not only help you find an affordable health insurance plan, it would also help you choose the right policy and the right insurance company.