Insurance Health Insurance

International Medical Insurance

International travel for business or pleasure keeps growing at a fast pace, and a slowdown is not in the cards.
The most serious problem the international traveler faces when he is on the move is the possibility of having a medical problem in a foreign country.
International medical insurance goes a long way in softening the problem.
There are so many types of insurance, each with its range of small prints, that most people are better off taking assistance from reputed brokers or other professionals who are in the know.
For a start, US insurance, like Medicare, should be checked about the extent of its coverage, or the possibility of buying additional coverage.
The coverage of health and accident insurance must cover hospitalization, doctor bills and medications.
The time frame needs to be restricted to the actual time of being out of the country.
The shorter duration obviously will reduce the cost.
Evaluating a person who has met with an accident or taken ill in an isolated place can be terribly expensive.
So ensure that emergency evacuation is fully covered in any insurance that you buy.
Some insurance policies do not cover pre-existing illnesses, and they ask for a history of medical problems.
Others do not accept hazardous vocations like mountain climbing or even skating.
Many plans have a waiting period after the premium is paid.
Ensure that the coverage is in place before leaving abroad.
Keep the addresses and phone numbers of relevant persons who are to be notified to make a claim.
In case emergency medical treatment is needed, have all expenses listed in itemized bills to make a claim in the USA.
The watchword in international medical insurance should be prudence and care to the smallest detail.
If you find an insurance company with integrity, it will be possible to take the financial worry out of your travel.
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