Conspiracy: a secret planning with others to do something unlawful or wrong.
From the Latin con+ spire, which means to 'breathe together.
' Theory: opinion or idea about something, comes from the Greek word meaning "a view.
" How does a conspiracy come about? A group of people get together and decide to do something that they know they cannot tell others about because it is either against the law or wrong.
Actions are unlawful or wrong because they do harm to others.
Unlawful or wrong actions, when uncovered, result in one form or another of punishment because people take great exception to being harmed.
The motivation for engaging in actions that harm others is the gain or advantage of the persons conspiring to do those actions.
If the actions those persons decided to engage in were not harmful to their fellows, they would not be unlawful or considered wrong and there would be no need for the perpetrators to conceal their actions and motivations from others.
Thus, unlawful or wrong actions - in other words, criminal actions - are engaged in, resulting in the actual, or at least hoped-for, advantage of the perpetrators and the actual harm of their fellow human beings.
The perpetrators take whatever measures necessary to hide from their fellow human beings their responsibility for their actions and the motivations for them.
This is usually achieved by concealment of data or dissemination of false data (lying) and can result in someone other than the actual guilty party receiving the blame.
Often, the conspirators further cover their tracks by persuading, paying, intimidating, duping or ordering other persons or groups to engage in the criminal acts on their behalf.
Conspiracies can occur at any level of society, wherever criminals get together.
They can and do occur in the very highest governmental and corporate echelons, for these are no more immune to the presence of a criminal element than any other area of a society.
Those occurring in the very highest echelons can harm very large numbers of people and be commensurately difficult to combat.
How Does a Conspiracy Theory Come About? Someone becomes aware of some harm done to himself or his fellow human beings.
He knows that harm of people is either accidental or deliberate.
He perceives inconsistencies, contradictions, falsehoods, omitted or withheld data or dubious logic in explanations as to how the harm done to himself or his fellow human beings came about.
He develops the view or theory that such explanations are false or incomplete because those who planned together secretly to commit the criminal acts are lying about it and those lies constitute further criminal acts.
He shares this view with others.
Some people agree with his view, others do not.
If he and those who have agreed with his view consider the matter important enough and the harm done serious enough, they then set about trying to alert others to the existence of a crime or crimes, to agitate for accurate and complete data and to bring to justice those they consider responsible.
It is generally understood that making known the truth about a crime and its perpetrators and the resultant justice actions are a survival point because a.
) innocent people will not get wrongly blamed and wrongly punished (thus compounding the original crime with further harm) and b.
) those who are capable of engaging in harmful acts against their fellows are quite capable of further harmful acts and that capability must be removed so that more people are not harmed.
A conspiracy theory is either correct, partially correct or false.
A false or partially correct conspiracy theory may itself be harmful in that a.
) innocent people may get blamed or punished or have their reputation destroyed and b.
) the actual perpetrators of the crime remain free to plot further crimes c.
) further confusion is created.
Why are there so many conspiracy theories circulating? Where a conspiracy is correctly proven or disproved, the innocent exonerated or the perpetrators revealed and brought to account, both the conspiracy and the theory about the conspiracy end.
In a climate such as ours where falsehoods are circulated or complete and factual data is made difficult to obtain, it becomes almost impossible for a conspiracy theory to be either proven or disproved.
Where justice is not done, the conspiracy neither fully proven nor disproved, the conspiracy theory perpetuates.
It becomes a question that is never answered.
And the actual perpetrators of the criminal acts remain free to commit more criminal acts, which more often than not will spawn further conspiracy theories.
Harmful acts against one's fellow human beings, which are conceived and carried out in secret can and are be engaged in by groups within government or the various agencies of government, within mighty corporations or indeed by groups comprising government and corporations working in connivance.
Where the perpetrators are within government and/or mighty corporations, those perpetrators wield the power to control the content and flow of money and information and even to bring about changes in the law so as to a.
) carry out their crimes b.
) dupe, persuade or intimidate others into aiding, abetting and hiding their crimes c.
) prevent the full truth about their crimes and their responsibility for them being known by the vast majority of their fellow human beings and d.
) ensure they are never punished for their crimes and thus remain free to commit further crimes.
Crimes, plotted and executed in secrecy, unresolved by true justice and compounded by further harmful acts so as to avoid justice, tend to proliferate.
As they proliferate, theories and confusions about them proliferate.
And so does the harm done to the ordinary citizen, both by the crimes themselves and the various efforts used to conceal or escape justice for those crimes.
And thus the life of the citizen in various ways deteriorates.
Unlawful Capers We have a situation in which a number of groups within and close to government as well as elsewhere are engaged in conspiracies - unlawful acts done in secret - of one kind or another.
Each unlawful caper, noticed or suspected by others, spawns theories about it and a clamor for a full disclosure of the facts.
Those demands are ignored, resisted or quashed by the guilty parties.
Thus we wind up with several or indeed many conspiracy theories.
The higher such secret perpetrators reside within the power structure, the greater their power to do a - d above and the greater the number of human beings who are harmed by their actions.
Very often, the number of groups in the upper echelons ultimately responsible for conceiving and directing such unlawful acts are actually few in number but they create, suborn and operate via many sub-groups that carry out the crimes on their behalf.
One can trace it back then through their proxies to a small number of highly placed, wealthy and very influential criminal persons or groups.
The groups created to expose or resist these various and manifold criminal capers, to counteract the false information put out and spread by the perpetrators and seek to justice are on the other hand many - in this day and age they number in their thousands.
While collectively they represent or speak for a virtual army of upset citizens, each group, specializing in the exposure of one crime or type of crime, tends to act alone.
Thus each group alone and with limited resources finds itself facing the combined might of groups who command vast resources of money and corporate and governmental power.
And they thus have a very hard time making any headway at all.
All such groups, be they "conspiracy theorists," human rights groups, anti-war groups, groups advocating nutrition, groups resisting the poisoning of the food chain, groups fighting some local injustice, groups seeking to combat the wholesale drugging of the citizenry or the use of economic duress to enslave populations, groups demanding the whole truth about 9/11 and so on and so forth are, whether they realise it or not, doing battle with the same enemy and they are natural allies.
And all of them will see their ends served by coming together to rescue their own governments from the hands of criminals.
Indeed, in the light of the power they confront, they must come together in alliance or they and this civilization will fail.
Governments who lie, die The committing of crimes for the benefit of the few and the detriment of the many and the spreading of falsehood and confusion so as to escape to justice, threaten, disaffect and frustrate the citizenry, more and more of whom move into alliance or sympathy with those who are seen to oppose the duplicity of criminal entities close to or within government.
The more crimes committed by groups within government and the upper echelons of corporate power and the more the perpetrators seek by spreading false information (lies) to escape justice, the more unresolved conspiracy theories will circulate, grow and multiply.
And the more the citizen will become resentful of, disillusioned with and alienated from his or her own government.
And the closer we edge towards revolt.
Governments which are perceived to help or succor groups that conspire to commit unlawful or harmful acts, which tolerate lie upon lie, deception upon deception and which are perceived to be disloyal to the principle of justice, are committing suicide.
If we unite, we can save our own governments and restore them to good health and sanity.
We must!
From the Latin con+ spire, which means to 'breathe together.
' Theory: opinion or idea about something, comes from the Greek word meaning "a view.
" How does a conspiracy come about? A group of people get together and decide to do something that they know they cannot tell others about because it is either against the law or wrong.
Actions are unlawful or wrong because they do harm to others.
Unlawful or wrong actions, when uncovered, result in one form or another of punishment because people take great exception to being harmed.
The motivation for engaging in actions that harm others is the gain or advantage of the persons conspiring to do those actions.
If the actions those persons decided to engage in were not harmful to their fellows, they would not be unlawful or considered wrong and there would be no need for the perpetrators to conceal their actions and motivations from others.
Thus, unlawful or wrong actions - in other words, criminal actions - are engaged in, resulting in the actual, or at least hoped-for, advantage of the perpetrators and the actual harm of their fellow human beings.
The perpetrators take whatever measures necessary to hide from their fellow human beings their responsibility for their actions and the motivations for them.
This is usually achieved by concealment of data or dissemination of false data (lying) and can result in someone other than the actual guilty party receiving the blame.
Often, the conspirators further cover their tracks by persuading, paying, intimidating, duping or ordering other persons or groups to engage in the criminal acts on their behalf.
Conspiracies can occur at any level of society, wherever criminals get together.
They can and do occur in the very highest governmental and corporate echelons, for these are no more immune to the presence of a criminal element than any other area of a society.
Those occurring in the very highest echelons can harm very large numbers of people and be commensurately difficult to combat.
How Does a Conspiracy Theory Come About? Someone becomes aware of some harm done to himself or his fellow human beings.
He knows that harm of people is either accidental or deliberate.
He perceives inconsistencies, contradictions, falsehoods, omitted or withheld data or dubious logic in explanations as to how the harm done to himself or his fellow human beings came about.
He develops the view or theory that such explanations are false or incomplete because those who planned together secretly to commit the criminal acts are lying about it and those lies constitute further criminal acts.
He shares this view with others.
Some people agree with his view, others do not.
If he and those who have agreed with his view consider the matter important enough and the harm done serious enough, they then set about trying to alert others to the existence of a crime or crimes, to agitate for accurate and complete data and to bring to justice those they consider responsible.
It is generally understood that making known the truth about a crime and its perpetrators and the resultant justice actions are a survival point because a.
) innocent people will not get wrongly blamed and wrongly punished (thus compounding the original crime with further harm) and b.
) those who are capable of engaging in harmful acts against their fellows are quite capable of further harmful acts and that capability must be removed so that more people are not harmed.
A conspiracy theory is either correct, partially correct or false.
A false or partially correct conspiracy theory may itself be harmful in that a.
) innocent people may get blamed or punished or have their reputation destroyed and b.
) the actual perpetrators of the crime remain free to plot further crimes c.
) further confusion is created.
Why are there so many conspiracy theories circulating? Where a conspiracy is correctly proven or disproved, the innocent exonerated or the perpetrators revealed and brought to account, both the conspiracy and the theory about the conspiracy end.
In a climate such as ours where falsehoods are circulated or complete and factual data is made difficult to obtain, it becomes almost impossible for a conspiracy theory to be either proven or disproved.
Where justice is not done, the conspiracy neither fully proven nor disproved, the conspiracy theory perpetuates.
It becomes a question that is never answered.
And the actual perpetrators of the criminal acts remain free to commit more criminal acts, which more often than not will spawn further conspiracy theories.
Harmful acts against one's fellow human beings, which are conceived and carried out in secret can and are be engaged in by groups within government or the various agencies of government, within mighty corporations or indeed by groups comprising government and corporations working in connivance.
Where the perpetrators are within government and/or mighty corporations, those perpetrators wield the power to control the content and flow of money and information and even to bring about changes in the law so as to a.
) carry out their crimes b.
) dupe, persuade or intimidate others into aiding, abetting and hiding their crimes c.
) prevent the full truth about their crimes and their responsibility for them being known by the vast majority of their fellow human beings and d.
) ensure they are never punished for their crimes and thus remain free to commit further crimes.
Crimes, plotted and executed in secrecy, unresolved by true justice and compounded by further harmful acts so as to avoid justice, tend to proliferate.
As they proliferate, theories and confusions about them proliferate.
And so does the harm done to the ordinary citizen, both by the crimes themselves and the various efforts used to conceal or escape justice for those crimes.
And thus the life of the citizen in various ways deteriorates.
Unlawful Capers We have a situation in which a number of groups within and close to government as well as elsewhere are engaged in conspiracies - unlawful acts done in secret - of one kind or another.
Each unlawful caper, noticed or suspected by others, spawns theories about it and a clamor for a full disclosure of the facts.
Those demands are ignored, resisted or quashed by the guilty parties.
Thus we wind up with several or indeed many conspiracy theories.
The higher such secret perpetrators reside within the power structure, the greater their power to do a - d above and the greater the number of human beings who are harmed by their actions.
Very often, the number of groups in the upper echelons ultimately responsible for conceiving and directing such unlawful acts are actually few in number but they create, suborn and operate via many sub-groups that carry out the crimes on their behalf.
One can trace it back then through their proxies to a small number of highly placed, wealthy and very influential criminal persons or groups.
The groups created to expose or resist these various and manifold criminal capers, to counteract the false information put out and spread by the perpetrators and seek to justice are on the other hand many - in this day and age they number in their thousands.
While collectively they represent or speak for a virtual army of upset citizens, each group, specializing in the exposure of one crime or type of crime, tends to act alone.
Thus each group alone and with limited resources finds itself facing the combined might of groups who command vast resources of money and corporate and governmental power.
And they thus have a very hard time making any headway at all.
All such groups, be they "conspiracy theorists," human rights groups, anti-war groups, groups advocating nutrition, groups resisting the poisoning of the food chain, groups fighting some local injustice, groups seeking to combat the wholesale drugging of the citizenry or the use of economic duress to enslave populations, groups demanding the whole truth about 9/11 and so on and so forth are, whether they realise it or not, doing battle with the same enemy and they are natural allies.
And all of them will see their ends served by coming together to rescue their own governments from the hands of criminals.
Indeed, in the light of the power they confront, they must come together in alliance or they and this civilization will fail.
Governments who lie, die The committing of crimes for the benefit of the few and the detriment of the many and the spreading of falsehood and confusion so as to escape to justice, threaten, disaffect and frustrate the citizenry, more and more of whom move into alliance or sympathy with those who are seen to oppose the duplicity of criminal entities close to or within government.
The more crimes committed by groups within government and the upper echelons of corporate power and the more the perpetrators seek by spreading false information (lies) to escape justice, the more unresolved conspiracy theories will circulate, grow and multiply.
And the more the citizen will become resentful of, disillusioned with and alienated from his or her own government.
And the closer we edge towards revolt.
Governments which are perceived to help or succor groups that conspire to commit unlawful or harmful acts, which tolerate lie upon lie, deception upon deception and which are perceived to be disloyal to the principle of justice, are committing suicide.
If we unite, we can save our own governments and restore them to good health and sanity.
We must!