This article was written for YOU, to SUM UP once and for all what we all as Network Marketers and Entrepreneurs in this new market NEED to look for and align ourselves with if we are ever going to succeed for the duration in our own Network Marketing company.
This short article is going to illustrate for you, in the simplest of methods, the top 10 things that it is ESSENTIAL to look for in a Network Marketing company before registering yourself with them.
You see, I believe I understand exactly how you're feeling at this moment: You're feeling overwhelmed.
You do not have the time or energy to learn everything there is to know in order to be successful as a network marketer and entrepreneur.
BUT, I do have the time and energy and passion to do so.
This is what I do everyday.
It is my business to be at the cutting edge of the MLM and Network Marketing/Internet Marketing industry.
This article is about-SIMPLIFYING-what you need to know RIGHT now to make and create IMMEDIATE change in yourself and your business.
By the way, notice above I said company - not opportunity.
A company is here to stay, with long term vision and plans to be around for your heirs to inherit the residual income you built for them, long after you are gone.
An opportunity is fleeting and comes and then goes.
Ask yourself, "Am I in this to create a lifetime of Residual income that creates financial security and time freedom in my life, ONCE, or do I want to keep starting over and over again?" I think the answer is clear.
Now, let me be EXPLICIT right now: STOP jumping from deal to deal and opportunity to opportunity, only to be let down time and time again.
I am DEAD SERIOUS about this.
I have had it up to my ears and beyond with the MLM junkies teaching newbies who are new to our amazing industry that this is a sensible way to create financial independence for themselves.
Unfortunately, most of the new people AND the veterans in this industry don't know what to look for in a business, and therefore don't know how to make an educated decision, rather than an emotional decision, which is how most people decide what opportunity to become involved with.
Consider this statement: "When Emotions are Up, Intelligence is Down.
" It's time to get educated.
You should print these 'Ten Network Marketing Must Haves' for your future reference.
They are in no particular order...
Align yourself with a company and organization that is not dependent solely on the minimum requirements - meaning transfer buy, auto-ship, etc.
Make sure that the company you are developing your business with has real products and services that consumers are purchasing currently, and that you are able to build a customer base in addition to partners in your business.
Align yourself with a company that has a proven track record of profitability and stability, and is designed for you to build a residual income.
This builds a solid income LONG TERM.
Residual income is only as strong as your longevity.
Align yourself with a company that is insulated from economic downturns and market swings.
It should be diverse in it's markets, specializing in more than one or two, and should be on the cutting edge of trends and technology.
Align yourself with a company that you feel is aligned with your personal values.
This is VITALLY important.
Align yourself with a company that is designed with a Vertical Marketing structure (everyone is financially connected), NOT a Horizontal Marketing structure (everyone is in competition with each other) 6.
Align yourself with a Network Marketing company that is retail driven and not just all about recruiting.
At the end of the day, it is about products moving to the end consumer.
Align yourself with a management team and founders who have a proven track record.
Align yourself with a company that allows the average person to be successful under realistic circumstances, NOT what few people can do under extraordinary circumstances.
Align yourself with a company that offers prolific training opportunities and has excellent support that is constantly evolving to stay ahead of the market trends.
Align yourself with a company that combines innovative technology with people power - which is what Network Marketing is all about.
This short article is going to illustrate for you, in the simplest of methods, the top 10 things that it is ESSENTIAL to look for in a Network Marketing company before registering yourself with them.
You see, I believe I understand exactly how you're feeling at this moment: You're feeling overwhelmed.
You do not have the time or energy to learn everything there is to know in order to be successful as a network marketer and entrepreneur.
BUT, I do have the time and energy and passion to do so.
This is what I do everyday.
It is my business to be at the cutting edge of the MLM and Network Marketing/Internet Marketing industry.
This article is about-SIMPLIFYING-what you need to know RIGHT now to make and create IMMEDIATE change in yourself and your business.
By the way, notice above I said company - not opportunity.
A company is here to stay, with long term vision and plans to be around for your heirs to inherit the residual income you built for them, long after you are gone.
An opportunity is fleeting and comes and then goes.
Ask yourself, "Am I in this to create a lifetime of Residual income that creates financial security and time freedom in my life, ONCE, or do I want to keep starting over and over again?" I think the answer is clear.
Now, let me be EXPLICIT right now: STOP jumping from deal to deal and opportunity to opportunity, only to be let down time and time again.
I am DEAD SERIOUS about this.
I have had it up to my ears and beyond with the MLM junkies teaching newbies who are new to our amazing industry that this is a sensible way to create financial independence for themselves.
Unfortunately, most of the new people AND the veterans in this industry don't know what to look for in a business, and therefore don't know how to make an educated decision, rather than an emotional decision, which is how most people decide what opportunity to become involved with.
Consider this statement: "When Emotions are Up, Intelligence is Down.
" It's time to get educated.
You should print these 'Ten Network Marketing Must Haves' for your future reference.
They are in no particular order...
Align yourself with a company and organization that is not dependent solely on the minimum requirements - meaning transfer buy, auto-ship, etc.
Make sure that the company you are developing your business with has real products and services that consumers are purchasing currently, and that you are able to build a customer base in addition to partners in your business.
Align yourself with a company that has a proven track record of profitability and stability, and is designed for you to build a residual income.
This builds a solid income LONG TERM.
Residual income is only as strong as your longevity.
Align yourself with a company that is insulated from economic downturns and market swings.
It should be diverse in it's markets, specializing in more than one or two, and should be on the cutting edge of trends and technology.
Align yourself with a company that you feel is aligned with your personal values.
This is VITALLY important.
Align yourself with a company that is designed with a Vertical Marketing structure (everyone is financially connected), NOT a Horizontal Marketing structure (everyone is in competition with each other) 6.
Align yourself with a Network Marketing company that is retail driven and not just all about recruiting.
At the end of the day, it is about products moving to the end consumer.
Align yourself with a management team and founders who have a proven track record.
Align yourself with a company that allows the average person to be successful under realistic circumstances, NOT what few people can do under extraordinary circumstances.
Align yourself with a company that offers prolific training opportunities and has excellent support that is constantly evolving to stay ahead of the market trends.
Align yourself with a company that combines innovative technology with people power - which is what Network Marketing is all about.