Business & Finance Blogging

How to Stick With Your Blog For the Long Run

I don't know everything there is to know about blogging.
But one thing I do know is this.
Blogs that are successful have been around for a long time and have been continually updating their content.
The longer your blog is around the more chance it has for success.
This is due to a number of reasons.
For one, the more content you have over time the more search engines can list you for and therefore the more people find your site, also the age of your site gives you an advantage in the search engines, and the more content you have to more readers are likely to stick around at your blog.
So if I want to be successful in blogging then I need to be willing to be in it for the long run.
What is the long run? It is different for every blog, generally it is at least 3-6 months as a minimum and it can take some blogs up to 2 years before they start showing some real success.
Have a Dream
Having a dream of blogging full time and working just 2 hours a day and earning a full time wage is a dream I have which drives me towards success.
I slug away writing posts because I know that even though I am not earning a great income now one day I will be.
You need to have a similar dream that will drive you to blog even when the money isn't coming in thick and fast 2.
Know That Blogs Grow Exponentially
It takes a gathering to bring in a crowd and this is so true with blogs.
The more readers you have the more readers you can get.
This is because readers will digg your blog, write about your blog on their blog, promote your blog, and even when someone sees you have 20,000 RSS subscribers they will instantly sign up thinking your blog is awesome.
So it will grow slowly at first and then pick up speed more and more as it gets bigger and bigger...
remember this.
Reinvest your income
This is something some bloggers do not do but which I think is a great thing to do.
Say you make $50 a month from your blog, I would suggest reinvesting that into things that will help your blog grow.
Products like OIO Publisher (for advertising) or maybe a custom theme will help your blog grow in the long run.
Maybe you could even spend this money on advertising with Stumble Upon Ads or Adbrite Full Page Ads to get more interest in your site.
You could even spend the money for paid reviews (like I offer on this site for just $10...
click here) to get your blog more exposure.
Stay on Topic
There is nothing worse than a blogger that gets distracted from his or her niche and starts going off on a tangent talking about anything or everything.
Stick to your niche and write about it well.
This will make people want to come back again and again and will also encourage people to dive through your archives.
Be Passionate
Be passionate about the topic you are writing about.
There are two things I am really passionate about writing about and these are finance and Christianity.
This site if for finance and my website The Diligent Seeker is for me to write about Christianity.
My passion for these help drive me to write for the long run.
So if you are struggling with your bog remember that the successful blogs are successful because they have worked hard over a long period of time.
If you do this also then your blog is likely to be successful also
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