- 1). Park your Volkswagen Jetta on level ground.
- 2). Pop the trunk and pry off the trim panel using a trim removal tool. The trim panel covers the top of the rear suspension strut.
- 3). Place wooden blocks behind the front wheels to chock them and then lift the rear of your Jetta with a jack and rest the Jetta on axle stands.
- 4). Remove the lug nuts from your Jetta's rear wheels, using a lug nut removal tool, and then slide the wheels off.
- 5). Place a trolley jack, or floor jack, underneath the trailing arm for support. The trailing arm is a large piece of the suspension that connects to the Jetta's rear axle.
- 6). Pull off the strut's cap, located at the top of the strut, using your fingers.
- 7). Detach the strut's nut from the top of the strut using a wrench, turning counterclockwise, and hold the strut rod in place using a spanner tool, to reveal a washer.
- 8). Pull away the washer to reveal another nut. Detach the nut using a wrench, turning counterclockwise.
- 9). Pull away the thrust washer and upper bearing ring that is revealed once the nut is removed.
- 10
Detach the nut located by the strut's bottom portion using a spanner tool, to reveal the Jetta's mounting bolt. Detach the Jetta's mounting bolt with a wrench, counterclockwise. - 11
Pull the Jetta's trailing arm downward using your hands, as far down as possible. - 12
Detach the nut from the Jetta's coil spring, using a wrench, counterclockwise, and then pull away the spacer sleeve, lover bearing ring, upper spring seat and packing away from the coil spring. - 13
Pull away the coil spring away from the Jetta, along with its rubber stop, rubber ring, rubber tube, bottom cap, packing part, and the Jetta's lower spring seat, and apply the new aftermarket springs with these pieces. - 14
Place the Jetta's trailing arms upward to its original position, lower your Jetta off the jack and axle stands, and then reattach all nuts and washers that were removed from the strut, and reassemble the rear wheels. - 15
Repeat all of the above steps on the rest of the springs on your Jetta to fully lower the vehicle.