This question gets ask by thousands of people every day, "How can I lose my belly fat?" The question that comes to my mind when people ask it is do they really mean it? I mean come on, if they really mean it then they will do something about it, right? Let's face the facts.
I would think that most people want to lose the belly fat but do not want to go through the effort it take to do so.
If that is you then stop reading this right now because if you really want to lose your belly flab it will take effort like I describe below.
Here are the top three tips to get started right in losing the flab and getting six pack abs or at least no embarrassment when you take off your shirt or wear that new bikini.
I would think that most people want to lose the belly fat but do not want to go through the effort it take to do so.
If that is you then stop reading this right now because if you really want to lose your belly flab it will take effort like I describe below.
Here are the top three tips to get started right in losing the flab and getting six pack abs or at least no embarrassment when you take off your shirt or wear that new bikini.
- The majority of your workout needs to be focused on the entire body.
Do not single out ab crunches and other direct ab workouts.
You need to have an intense combination of full-bodied multi-joint exercises.
Get a good varied routine of push-ups, pull-ups, squat thrusts, deadlifts, overhead and bench presses and a good selection of other exercises that will get you working the entire frame.
Sure a small percentage, perhaps 10% to 15% can be dedicated to direct abs training but the majority should be for the entire body. - I used to focus most of my cardio efforts on long and steady boring traditional workouts.
You know jog along side the road for four to six miles four times a week and try to think of something new rather than thinking about the stinking dog that is going to nip at my heels.
What I eventually discovered was that short very intense, interval training was much better than the long run or two hours of dancing with the stars.
Sprinting up and down the stairs, wind sprints, hill climbing (in my case sand dunes) and jump rope are great short duration cardio workouts. - Feed your body with a proper diet.
Yuck, you mean I have to watch what I eat? Yes you do if you want to lose the belly fat! You do not want to go too low with your calorie count since you will not have enough calories t burn and you will lose muscle instead.
You do need to feed your body what it needs to function properly and lose the fat you need to lose.
Eat lots of non-processed foods such as fruits and nuts, vegetables and eggs etc.
Some of the best lean body diets will be full of healthy fat, protein and good fiber.
Try to maintain a good balance of these types of foods.
Do not go overboard on any of these kinds of good food to the exclusion of others.
On the other hand try to limit your intake of foods that contain refined sugars (what no candy corns!), refined starches, trans fat and other polyunsaturated oils.