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Oil Processing Common In Different Parts Of The World

In the process of oil processing different kinds of seeds and nuts can be processed in the machine that performs the function of oil presses to supply the oil to covert the bio-diesel in different parts. The oil is processed from oil mill machinery and oil refining process from large scale and industrial screw press and they are also common in other parts of the world. The usage of small scale oil presses is so common and people are becoming more and more aware of the entire process. The oil screw is commonly used for a number of seeds like rapeseed, sunflower seed, cotton seed and poppy seed too.

The oil screw press that is used has a rotating screw that forces the seeds in such a manner that the pressure is passed through the capped cylinder. The seed metal is then pressed out in the form of a cake or a flake and that depends entirely on the oil and the press model that is used. The oil in turn drips out from the whole cylinder and from the oil press. Even the temperature can be adjusted to different seed types according to ones requirements.

There are a lot of steps that are used in the process to convert the oil that is extracted from the products called oil screw press and that too to the bio-diesel version. So when the oil is collected for further usage it should be then chemically processed. The bio-diesel that is used should be processed from various oils that contains triglycerides or various fatty acids that are then joined in the glycerin module.

In this process a certain type of alcohol is used that is considered in the form of pure methanol or in the form of ethanol. It is considered to be the easiest and preferred substance for an individual maker. To make the bio diesel it can be considered as a dangerous work and even the process goes through some rigorous methods and can prove to be quite inflammable.

It is quite important to take some precautions and the catalyst that is used in this process is called as a separate glycerin molecules and that too from the fatty acids to the oil. The lye is quite caustic in substance and even hazardous too. It is quite harmful for the user as well as the environment. The sodium hydroxide that is used in this process is quite effective but it is caustic too and the potassium that is used is not that harmful. Potash, or potassium chloride, has been found to be just as effective as lye, but not as potentially harmful to the user. Potash is also kinder to the environment, as it is biodegradable. Both methanol and potash can be easily and inexpensively obtained. So in the oil refining process ensure that you use oil mill machinery and screw press.
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