- 1). Lay out your outfit the night before school so you have time to try things on and switch things around to create the perfect match. Don't forget to lay out accessories as well.
- 2). Practice multiple hairstyles on yourself as much as possible so you can easily create any look you want to go with your outfit of the day. Try not to wear the same hairstyle more than three times a week.
- 3). Use your existing accessories in different ways to create new looks--for example, try wearing the belt that you usually put over jeans on your hips over a dress around your waist. Scarves can also be used for many different things, including as hair accessories, around the neck or as belts.
- 4). Go back and forth between using light, fresh makeup looks to trying out darker, punkier or more bold looks. Experiment with different lip colors of all shades for a dramatic change.