Are you tired of having a flat chest? Do you want big sweeping pectoral muscles like Arnold had back in his prime? The best chest exercise for massive pecs may not be what you thought it was.
For most people the bench press comes to mind and it's a great mass builder but if you want a massive fully developed chest you need to consistently add heavy weighted dips to your routine.
What makes this the best exercise for massive pecs? One of the reasons is that it puts your body into a position where you are moving your body through space.
It requires heavy stabilization from your core muscles and when you start stacking weight on week after week the adaptive response is to add slabs of muscle to your chest, shoulders, and triceps.
This movement is an overall mass builder.
Your body will quickly recognize this movement pattern and the greater loads you continue to put on your body will force your upper body to get bigger and bigger.
It could be debated as to whether this is the best chest exercise for massive pecs but I'll give you a few reasons as to why your growth won't stop with this one and the major setback with most other strong chest builders.
Barbell Bench Press - This is not effective for all trainees.
It can be a very inefficient movement for building the pectorals and in many people the triceps and delts come into play too much.
Dumbbell Bench Press - this is great exercise for chest until you find yourself needing dumbbells that are heavier than your gym has.
Many gyms don't go over 80 to 100 pound dumbbells so once you get there you have to be creative in your chest building approach.
Weighted Dips is an exercise you can do at home to build a massive chest.
A dip station can be purchased fairly cheap.
Then all you need is a dip belt and some plates to strap onto the belt.
If you belong to a gym you should have access to a dip station and may just need to buy yourself a dip belt.
This will be one of the best $30 investments you could make for building a massive chest.
The best chest exercise for massive pecs is simply doing dips and adding weight consistently.
Change up your repetition scheme, rest between sets, and add an additional exercise or two like dumbbell incline presses and pushups for even better overall development.
For most people the bench press comes to mind and it's a great mass builder but if you want a massive fully developed chest you need to consistently add heavy weighted dips to your routine.
What makes this the best exercise for massive pecs? One of the reasons is that it puts your body into a position where you are moving your body through space.
It requires heavy stabilization from your core muscles and when you start stacking weight on week after week the adaptive response is to add slabs of muscle to your chest, shoulders, and triceps.
This movement is an overall mass builder.
Your body will quickly recognize this movement pattern and the greater loads you continue to put on your body will force your upper body to get bigger and bigger.
It could be debated as to whether this is the best chest exercise for massive pecs but I'll give you a few reasons as to why your growth won't stop with this one and the major setback with most other strong chest builders.
Barbell Bench Press - This is not effective for all trainees.
It can be a very inefficient movement for building the pectorals and in many people the triceps and delts come into play too much.
Dumbbell Bench Press - this is great exercise for chest until you find yourself needing dumbbells that are heavier than your gym has.
Many gyms don't go over 80 to 100 pound dumbbells so once you get there you have to be creative in your chest building approach.
Weighted Dips is an exercise you can do at home to build a massive chest.
A dip station can be purchased fairly cheap.
Then all you need is a dip belt and some plates to strap onto the belt.
If you belong to a gym you should have access to a dip station and may just need to buy yourself a dip belt.
This will be one of the best $30 investments you could make for building a massive chest.
The best chest exercise for massive pecs is simply doing dips and adding weight consistently.
Change up your repetition scheme, rest between sets, and add an additional exercise or two like dumbbell incline presses and pushups for even better overall development.