Health & Medical Body building

The Top 5 Fastest Ways to Build Muscle

Forget the biceps curls and the leg press machines.
If you want to gain some serious mass then check this out as I am going to list the exercises that form the top 5 fastest ways to build muscle.
Th biggest thing to note is that these are compound movements.
A LOT of the body's muscles are involved in the movement.
Deadlift - This is a torturous exercise.
However it is one of the exercises that makes the biggest difference to your appearance.
it primarily targets your lower back but your forearms, your quads, lats, your traps and your shoulders just to name a few are all working hard.
Combing this with no.
2 is one of the fastest ways to build muscle.
These should be in every workout regimen.
Squats - Another very taxing exercise.
This also targets a lot of your body's muscle groups.
It hits your quads, shoulders, traps, biceps and hamstrings.
Mastering this exercise is essential as it will really make a difference 3.
Military press - heavy on the shoulders and traps but your lats, upper back, triceps and forearms are involved too 4.
Benchpress - This primarily hits your chest but your deltoids and your triceps are also involved in this movement.
Pull up/Chin up - This is a very effective movement that hits your lats like nothing else.
It is incredibly effective and is one of the fastest ways to build muscle around the back area.
It also works your arms and your shoulders not forgetting your forearms.
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