- 1). Shampoo and condition your wavy hair. To help tame unruly hair, spray it with a leave-in conditioner. Run a brush through your wet hair to remove all the tangles.
- 2). Flip your head in front of you, pointed down, so your hair is hanging. Brush your hair again, straight toward the ground. Run a comb through your hair to smooth out any wrinkles.
- 3). With your head still flipped upside-down, grab a section of your hair between your pointer finger and middle finger on your non-dominant hand. The hair you gather should be on the same side as your non-dominant hand. Use the shears to snip the ends, just below your fingers.
- 4). Run the comb through your hair again and gather the next section. Be sure to grab several strands of the already-cut section to allow you to cut the new section to the same length. Continue combing, grabbing and cutting until you have moved all the way across your hair. It is important to remember to comb between each cut since wavy hair will tend to gather as it dries. If the hair becomes too dry, wet it with a spray bottle.
- 5). Comb once more and check for any stray pieces of hair that were not cut.
- 6). Flip your head over to examine your layers. Brush and style your new haircut.