The single most efficient and effective business tool that the average person should be utilizing to start making deep, thick piles of cash is the telephone.
Most people would probably guess the internet or direct mail before that ancient communication device that's been around for over a century.
Unfortunately, the internet is a lot more difficult than people think it is.
Just because you have the ability to access people from all over the globe through the world wide web doesn't mean it will allow you to communicate more effectively than the telephone.
And with the rising cost of postage these days, you can forget about direct mail being effective as well.
How many times have you sent an exciting e-mail, then sat and waited for days or even weeks for a reply? Even though it is fun and trendy to use the internet and send text messages to people, they are still not as effective as picking up the telephone.
Here are 5 Network Marketing Tool Tips to help you grow your home based business.
Network Marketing Tool Tips #1:It's cheap! These days a person has a few options to get unlimited long distance for less than $40 bucks a month.
My telephone service provides it for $15 a month, and you can't beat that.
Compared to other marketing tools, it's tough to even beat $40.
When you run a network marketing business from home, you absolutely need long distance service.
You can send e-mails all day long, but at some point you need to pick up the telephone and talk to someone.
Network Marketing Tool Tips #2:The telephone is simple to use.
You've been using your telephone for years, probably since you were a child.
It's a tool you've somewhat mastered over time.
Maybe you haven't used it to produce vast amounts of income, but you've used it to create countless transactions.
Whether you know it or not, you've probably marketed yourself over the phone many times.
It comes more naturally that any other means of communication.
Network Marketing Tool Tips #3:Every person on the planet has a phone.
Not everyone has a computer.
It may seem like that isn't true, but computers are expensive! Not everyone can afford to buy one, let alone pay for internet service each month.
You can probably bet your house that if a person has one or the other, it's going to be a telephone.
Nowadays, it's even easier to reach people by telephone because they take them alone when they leave the house! Network Marketing Tool Tips #4: It's Safe To Use.
When given the proper marketing tools, such as an effective script and affordable leads, it's tough to go wrong.
Other options like the internet and copy are powerful, but can take years to become profitable because of the learning curve that's involved.
The basics are critical to your success no matter what you do, but the way you choose to get the message to your target audience should be quick and easy.
Network Marketing Tool Tips #5: It puts You In Charge.
What happens when you play e-mail tag with someone, sending messages back and forth? Nothing gets accomplished because you are both on the same playing field.
Mastering the telephone will give you an edge over your prospect and you will come across as a leader.
That is one of the most important aspects of growing a successful home-based business.
Your ability to market products and services is no different than McDonalds.
They started with one restaurant.
A skill set requires nurturing and time to evolve.
No one gains instant success because it's a process of trial and error.
It needs to be that way to be fun and rewarding.
Your business starts and ends with you.
Don't learn new tools like the internet until you've proven yourself to be adequate with the telephone.
Why try to master copy, traffic and leads before you know how to properly communicate over the telephone? Why even have the Internet on your radar when you have yet to pick up the phone? You can generate all the prospects in the world, but if you say the wrong things to them it's all over.
The telephone is more powerful than you think.
It's the most explosive tool that you can ever learn to master.
Even when you do master it and you move on to other advanced marketing techniques, you'll always be using the phone! The way to long-term success starts with the basics and finishes with the bomb shells.
You can't skip the basics and expect to find success.
A business needs a great captain.
If your company isn't teaching you how to master the basic principles of marketing, then it's time to seek out education that will.
If you aren't willing to change your way of thinking, you could be following the wrong techniques and never get your business to reach it's goals.
It's time thatyou learned that the telephone is the Single Most Efficient and Effective Network Marketing Tool available.
Most people would probably guess the internet or direct mail before that ancient communication device that's been around for over a century.
Unfortunately, the internet is a lot more difficult than people think it is.
Just because you have the ability to access people from all over the globe through the world wide web doesn't mean it will allow you to communicate more effectively than the telephone.
And with the rising cost of postage these days, you can forget about direct mail being effective as well.
How many times have you sent an exciting e-mail, then sat and waited for days or even weeks for a reply? Even though it is fun and trendy to use the internet and send text messages to people, they are still not as effective as picking up the telephone.
Here are 5 Network Marketing Tool Tips to help you grow your home based business.
Network Marketing Tool Tips #1:It's cheap! These days a person has a few options to get unlimited long distance for less than $40 bucks a month.
My telephone service provides it for $15 a month, and you can't beat that.
Compared to other marketing tools, it's tough to even beat $40.
When you run a network marketing business from home, you absolutely need long distance service.
You can send e-mails all day long, but at some point you need to pick up the telephone and talk to someone.
Network Marketing Tool Tips #2:The telephone is simple to use.
You've been using your telephone for years, probably since you were a child.
It's a tool you've somewhat mastered over time.
Maybe you haven't used it to produce vast amounts of income, but you've used it to create countless transactions.
Whether you know it or not, you've probably marketed yourself over the phone many times.
It comes more naturally that any other means of communication.
Network Marketing Tool Tips #3:Every person on the planet has a phone.
Not everyone has a computer.
It may seem like that isn't true, but computers are expensive! Not everyone can afford to buy one, let alone pay for internet service each month.
You can probably bet your house that if a person has one or the other, it's going to be a telephone.
Nowadays, it's even easier to reach people by telephone because they take them alone when they leave the house! Network Marketing Tool Tips #4: It's Safe To Use.
When given the proper marketing tools, such as an effective script and affordable leads, it's tough to go wrong.
Other options like the internet and copy are powerful, but can take years to become profitable because of the learning curve that's involved.
The basics are critical to your success no matter what you do, but the way you choose to get the message to your target audience should be quick and easy.
Network Marketing Tool Tips #5: It puts You In Charge.
What happens when you play e-mail tag with someone, sending messages back and forth? Nothing gets accomplished because you are both on the same playing field.
Mastering the telephone will give you an edge over your prospect and you will come across as a leader.
That is one of the most important aspects of growing a successful home-based business.
Your ability to market products and services is no different than McDonalds.
They started with one restaurant.
A skill set requires nurturing and time to evolve.
No one gains instant success because it's a process of trial and error.
It needs to be that way to be fun and rewarding.
Your business starts and ends with you.
Don't learn new tools like the internet until you've proven yourself to be adequate with the telephone.
Why try to master copy, traffic and leads before you know how to properly communicate over the telephone? Why even have the Internet on your radar when you have yet to pick up the phone? You can generate all the prospects in the world, but if you say the wrong things to them it's all over.
The telephone is more powerful than you think.
It's the most explosive tool that you can ever learn to master.
Even when you do master it and you move on to other advanced marketing techniques, you'll always be using the phone! The way to long-term success starts with the basics and finishes with the bomb shells.
You can't skip the basics and expect to find success.
A business needs a great captain.
If your company isn't teaching you how to master the basic principles of marketing, then it's time to seek out education that will.
If you aren't willing to change your way of thinking, you could be following the wrong techniques and never get your business to reach it's goals.
It's time thatyou learned that the telephone is the Single Most Efficient and Effective Network Marketing Tool available.