A shop press is an essential component of any self respecting Do-it-Yourself enthusiast or commercial mechanic. The device is essential in performance of home projects that require two objects pressed together or separated under great amounts of pressure. Mostly, shop presses work on the principle of pneumatics. In other words, they work by means of compressed air to attain the high pressures that are necessary for the applications they are put to work on.
When you require to straighten tools and parts that have become bent in the cause of strenuous application, the device is adequate. Caution must be paid proper heed to in carrying out such a project though as you do not want to break up the object rather than having it straightened out. A gentle but firm application of the press' forceful ram will deliver the desired result.
When the press is used to press two objects together, it is important to ensure that the arbor plate and the ram arms are properly aligned. The "receiving" object should then be placed accurately on the plate. The "inserting" object needs to be placed securely on the receiving object.
To ensure that the job is done right, it is important that the upper object is placed square with the aperture that will receive it. Another necessary precaution is to have a sacrificial piece of wood on top to ensure that the object is not damaged from the pressing. This is because the ram can be unexpectedly forceful when applied without proper caution.
To separate two objects, a set of two arbor plates are necessary. Commonly, such plates have differently sized half circles cut off from each side. Butt the two plates on the press table such that the half holes match up to form a perfect circle. Take care to ensure that the plates support the joined items and yet has enough allowance to let the object that has to be separated to fall off the table.
In this case as well, a sacrificial wood needs to be secured on top of the objects to serve as a buffer against the battering force of the pounding ram. The wheel of the press must be gently but firmly turned. This ensures everything is safely latched up before the actual separation process takes place. Ensure that you keep checking how and if the objects have separated properly and not just wait up until one falls off. This preempts any problems that might occur before the process is over.
For automotive repair enthusiasts, an effective and well maintained shop press is an indispensable piece of equipment to have in your garage. This is because jobs such as separating and pressing together wheel bearings, piston wrist pins and valve guides are virtually impossible to carry out without it. To ensure that these and other heavy duty projects that are characteristic of automotive work are done perfectly, it is important to have a shop press with a high power rating.
There is no doubt that these devices are essential components in performing a variety of DIY projects in the home. Caution needs to be an important watchword though as the incidences of serious injuries are daily reported from injudicious use of these high powered tools. However, so long as you make proper choices, a shop press is a device that will prove effective for a host of applications for homeowners and garage tinkers.
When you require to straighten tools and parts that have become bent in the cause of strenuous application, the device is adequate. Caution must be paid proper heed to in carrying out such a project though as you do not want to break up the object rather than having it straightened out. A gentle but firm application of the press' forceful ram will deliver the desired result.
When the press is used to press two objects together, it is important to ensure that the arbor plate and the ram arms are properly aligned. The "receiving" object should then be placed accurately on the plate. The "inserting" object needs to be placed securely on the receiving object.
To ensure that the job is done right, it is important that the upper object is placed square with the aperture that will receive it. Another necessary precaution is to have a sacrificial piece of wood on top to ensure that the object is not damaged from the pressing. This is because the ram can be unexpectedly forceful when applied without proper caution.
To separate two objects, a set of two arbor plates are necessary. Commonly, such plates have differently sized half circles cut off from each side. Butt the two plates on the press table such that the half holes match up to form a perfect circle. Take care to ensure that the plates support the joined items and yet has enough allowance to let the object that has to be separated to fall off the table.
In this case as well, a sacrificial wood needs to be secured on top of the objects to serve as a buffer against the battering force of the pounding ram. The wheel of the press must be gently but firmly turned. This ensures everything is safely latched up before the actual separation process takes place. Ensure that you keep checking how and if the objects have separated properly and not just wait up until one falls off. This preempts any problems that might occur before the process is over.
For automotive repair enthusiasts, an effective and well maintained shop press is an indispensable piece of equipment to have in your garage. This is because jobs such as separating and pressing together wheel bearings, piston wrist pins and valve guides are virtually impossible to carry out without it. To ensure that these and other heavy duty projects that are characteristic of automotive work are done perfectly, it is important to have a shop press with a high power rating.
There is no doubt that these devices are essential components in performing a variety of DIY projects in the home. Caution needs to be an important watchword though as the incidences of serious injuries are daily reported from injudicious use of these high powered tools. However, so long as you make proper choices, a shop press is a device that will prove effective for a host of applications for homeowners and garage tinkers.