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Reflections by Jill - A Weekly Commentary for OLTL for April 8, 2008

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mlydick1 writes: “Lindsay is really an expensive call girl and that's how she gets all the juicy tidbits from her "johns" to blackmailed them with. Wouldn't that be timely? I'm sorry but I disagree with you about Jared. He had a bad childhood so he becomes a blackmailing thief? I don't think so. He is just an opportunist with an excuse. And, I am tired of people badmouthing David, I think he's great.”

Dear mlydick1: I would die laughing if Lindsay turned out to be a high-priced call girl, especially if someone would expose her in public.

This woman has literally gotten away with murder and most of the time she behaves like a jealous girl in high school over her men, especially Bo. She needs to pay for some of the stunts she has pulled and she’s not through pulling them, that’s for sure. Sorry, I don’t dislike Jared like some people do. I always remember that he became the “blackmailing thief” as you put it, because he was set up and sent to jail by Tess and I don’t blame him for wanting some kind of payback. Sure, he duped the Buchanans and it was wrong, but to me that’s nothing compared to what he suffered. If he is a villain, then he is one of those villains who will be around for a while because he has a vulnerable side and that’s why I am willing to give him a chance. And, if Natalie can’t be with John (what’s wrong with these writers?) then I can see her being happy with Jared and for now it is okay with me. And hey, I love David to death, but Nigel is right; David doesn’t have a lick of business sense and he would take the Bukes for every penny they are worth.

I’m thrilled that he’s coming back to Llanview for a while, but I want to see his comedy and if along the way he annoys the Buchanan boys a bit, that’s just fine, too, but there is a lot of depth to Jared’s character and I like that.

Disonba3 writes: “John & Natalie forever! There is TONS of chemistry! Whoever can't see it is blind! The story line with the Killing Club killer was thrilling. I was on the edge of my seat and went through the gamut of emotions while Nat's life hung in the balance and John passionately tried & succeeded in saving her. It was also great seeing John finally so in love that he was daydreaming about the two of them being married and having the kids. I felt as though TPTB threw a cookie to the long-standing fans of this couple when we were "treated" to a one-night stand on their part. NO FAIR! THEY BELONG TOGETHER!”

Dear Disonba3: I HEAR YA! I’ve been a John and Natalie fan from the minute he walked into her life. I see the love; I see the caring; I see the connection and the incredible friendship. I agree that we were thrown a few crumbs after John’s accident and that flew out the window in a minute. I don’t want to see Natalie or John alone and right now it appears that TPTB want them to live separate lives and find some happiness while still remaining what I consider kindred spirits. I guess I have to live with that. Maybe when they see each other happy with other mates, it will bring out the green eyed monster and they’ll get together one day. For now, I have to treat this situation like I treat Viki and Charlie. I want nothing more than to see Ben resurrected so that Viki can once again have the greatest love of her life back, but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards so if she can find happiness with someone new like Charlie who will love and care for her, I can live with that. But Charlie my man, if Ben ever does find his way out from six feet under, all bets are off baby!

Biljy writes: “How could Starr and Cole have had sex possibly resulting in an unwanted pregnancy if they were never completely naked? I saw the whole episode and when Todd found them in bed they still had their underwear on and Starr said over and over that they never had sex at Langston's. As for Todd, you have to remember Todd Manning is consumed with his demons that he tries to keep in check on a daily basis. While it may seem brutal for him to have beaten up Markko and Cole it was not done out of pure malice. Unfortunately for Starr this is the only way he knows how to love, and in essence protect his baby.”

Dear Biljy: Far be it from me to offer sex education lessons, but where is it written that people have to be naked to have sex? And yes, we saw Starr and Cole in their underwear, but obviously we will be led to believe that was after the deed had already been done. If I remember correctly, we saw Starr’s bra and we didn’t see under the covers. Also, remember that Starr denied having sex with Cole because she was terrified that if her father found out, things would be even worse than they are now. And regarding Todd, his problem is that he doesn’t try to fight his demons on a daily basis as you imply because if he did, he’d try to get some help. And if you don’t think Todd beat up Cole and Markko out of malice, do you also deny that it was malicious of Todd to slam and hold Rex’s face on a hot, lit stove in Dorian’s kitchen a few weeks ago? Come on, how much leeway are Todd’s fans going to give this animal?

Andrea writes: “OMG, you hit the nail on the head about Adriana! She really is turning in to her mother. Yes Rex is having feelings for Gigi and Shane and I, too, think he knows that Shane is his son and just won't admit it. I hope that Dorian gets knocked down a peg or two. She is just really starting to annoy me beyond belief.”

Dear Andrea: “Yep, Adriana is a Mini-Me of Dorian and she’s only going to get worse. Adriana needs to admit to herself that Rex puts himself in Gigi’s path; Gigi doesn’t seek out Rex. I love seeing Dorian get what’s coming to her, but she always seems to squeak by with not much more than a slap on the wrist. If Viki weren’t such a kind soul, she would have done what most people would have done and tossed Dorian in jail a few times in the past for crimes she has committed.
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