Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Hedge Hyssop - Discover the Healing Properties of the Herb

Hedge hyssop is very effective and helpful herb that can be used both for internal and external use.
The following recipes are intended to make remedial oil, compress and decoction of the herb for external application.
  1. Rheumatism, joint and back pain, burns and wounds can be healed with hedge hyssop oil, decoction and compresses.
    The oil should be made by infusing hedge hyssop tops (1 part) with sunflower seed oil or other vegetable oil (2 parts).
    Leave the mix to brew for 20 days at a room temperature.
    Apply oil compresses at night.
    The decoction, in its turn, should be made by infusing 3 tablespoons of the herbs with a glass of water.
    Cover the pan up and boil the tincture for 10-15 minutes.
    Use the decoction as a compress.
    Another way of making compresses relates to fresh tops of the herb, powder of the tops and extract of the herb in an alcohol solution.
  2. In order to treat breast tumor, breast induration or irritation, you should apply compresses of the decoction of hedge hyssop tops.
  3. Irritation or other diseases of the mucous membrane of mouth and throat can be healed with the decoction or tincture of the herb.
    You can gargle the decoction or watered tincture.
    In addition, mix 20-30 drops of the tincture with half a glass of water and smear your gums with it.
  4. Mix equal quantities of granulated herbs of fresh hedge hyssop tops, granulated salvia tops and lard thoroughly.
    Afterwards, squeeze the paste through gauze and smear the chronic wound with it.
  5. You should rinse your mouth with watered tincture of hedge hyssop to fight bad breath.
Hedge hyssop was first recognized as a herbal remedy a long time ago.
People noticed that animals went down with inflammations resulting in boils and sores if hay or grass contained large quantities of the herb.
In addition, it always happened to white or black-and-white animals on sunny days.
Scientists have explained the strange fact.
As it turns out, the juice of the herb contains coloring matter.
The matter becomes active when exposed to sun light leading to a toxic influence of it on the light-colored areas of the animal skin.
Hedge hyssop possesses antiseptic, astringent, demulcent, healing, diuretic and restorative qualities.
It stimulates tissue regeneration, and movement of various glands and heart.
In addition, the herb calms you down.
Owing to a great variety of healing properties, the herb is still one of the most commonly used herbal remedies nowadays.
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