- Discovery Canyon is a VBS curriculum published by Augsburg Fortress that, according to Christian Book, is an "exciting exploration into evangelism." Through this curriculum, children will learn about the Bible and how to share their faith in Jesus with others.
- Gadget's Garage is a VBS curriculum put out by Concordia Publishing House that teaches children about the expression of God's love through Jesus Christ.
- The Kingdom of the Son curriculum is published by Gospel Light and seeks to teach children about the Lord's Prayer. Through this curriculum, children will learn to pray by following Jesus' example.
- According to Christian Book, the SonRock Kids Camp curriculum, published by Gospel Light, will help kids "explore who they are in Jesus Christ--the most important relationship of all."
- The Crocodile Dock VBS curriculum is published by Group Publishing and culminates with an important lesson on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Discovery Canyon
Gadget's Garage
Kingdom of the Son
SonRock Kids Camp
Crocodile Dock