Pepper sprays are considered non lethal weapons that can be used by civilians as protective tools. Although these tools are already US-eccepted, some statesstill so not allow the coming in of such weapons. These weapons still have to be regulated so that people will hot abuse their use.
Usually, pepper sprays do not cause any serious problems but like any other chemical, when it is given excessively, it can cause problems. Blood vessels in your mucous membranes dilate when it comes into contact with pepper spray and this causes severe pain and burning sensation. As normal body defense mechanism, the tear ducts produce tears. The blood vessels dilate and as a result, the eyes will be temporarily blinded. To the other mucous membranes, irritation and painful burning sensation can occur too. When hit with the pepper spray, the person will have breathing difficulty and choking feeling. The results of the pepper spray will surely be more dangerous if the strength of the concentration is increased.
The use of pepper sprays will have to be regulated because they can become dangerous if not controlled properly. Their use is accepted when it is for the purpose of defense, but for other reasons, they should be questioned. That is why one has to be familiar with the acceptable defense tools in their country or state otherwise they can be arrested.
The appearance of pepper sprays and their concentrations differ from one another. There is only a certin amount that is acceptable for use on humans that cause only temporary effects. Dangerous effects can result if one uses a pepper spray with a strength of concentration that is higher than the acceptable. This is why it I necessary to get your pepper sprays from trusted manufacturers. Shipping of pepper sprays is legal in most states but one must know how to determine the regular pepper spray from a can of bear spray. These bear sprays have a similar chemical component to those used in ordinary pepper sprays but the concentration is higher. Dangerous results may happen if these bear sprays are used on humans. The shipping of these sprays should therefore be more safeguarded.
Pepper sprays are not to be used by minors and ex-criminals. These are basic protocols that usually are followed in most areas. Different areas follow different protocols therefore one should really be well-oriented to these laws.
Usually, pepper sprays do not cause any serious problems but like any other chemical, when it is given excessively, it can cause problems. Blood vessels in your mucous membranes dilate when it comes into contact with pepper spray and this causes severe pain and burning sensation. As normal body defense mechanism, the tear ducts produce tears. The blood vessels dilate and as a result, the eyes will be temporarily blinded. To the other mucous membranes, irritation and painful burning sensation can occur too. When hit with the pepper spray, the person will have breathing difficulty and choking feeling. The results of the pepper spray will surely be more dangerous if the strength of the concentration is increased.
The use of pepper sprays will have to be regulated because they can become dangerous if not controlled properly. Their use is accepted when it is for the purpose of defense, but for other reasons, they should be questioned. That is why one has to be familiar with the acceptable defense tools in their country or state otherwise they can be arrested.
The appearance of pepper sprays and their concentrations differ from one another. There is only a certin amount that is acceptable for use on humans that cause only temporary effects. Dangerous effects can result if one uses a pepper spray with a strength of concentration that is higher than the acceptable. This is why it I necessary to get your pepper sprays from trusted manufacturers. Shipping of pepper sprays is legal in most states but one must know how to determine the regular pepper spray from a can of bear spray. These bear sprays have a similar chemical component to those used in ordinary pepper sprays but the concentration is higher. Dangerous results may happen if these bear sprays are used on humans. The shipping of these sprays should therefore be more safeguarded.
Pepper sprays are not to be used by minors and ex-criminals. These are basic protocols that usually are followed in most areas. Different areas follow different protocols therefore one should really be well-oriented to these laws.