How do you counter recession? Ask the advertisers and they will tell you - By spending more on advertising.
This is a primary concept in economics that the more stimulus you give, the better the business grows.
However, how the money is spent is entirely dependent on the economic climate and the demographics of the region.
This then explains how the online ad spending has been so diverse in its proportion just across Western Europe, which has some of the most developed countries in the region.
The internet penetration across UK is one of the highest in the region which explains why over 30% of the ad spending in UK has been online.
Contrast this with Italy, where the ratio of money spent online is just over 7.
5% and you will have an idea of the discrepancy in the online spending across both these regions.
So how are the other countries in the region faring? According to a new study on the online ad spending shares across Western Europe, in France, 11.
4% of all ad spending is online.
The corresponding share in Germany is just under 15% while in Spain, the ratio is 10.
So, what do we make of these numbers? Let us look at it from a perspective of internet penetration.
UK has one of the highest internet penetrations in the region and no doubt that the percent of revenue spent online is considerably higher in UK than in the rest of the region.
This is a conclusive lesson on how ad spending is driven not just by economics, but also by the local consumer behavior.
This is a primary concept in economics that the more stimulus you give, the better the business grows.
However, how the money is spent is entirely dependent on the economic climate and the demographics of the region.
This then explains how the online ad spending has been so diverse in its proportion just across Western Europe, which has some of the most developed countries in the region.
The internet penetration across UK is one of the highest in the region which explains why over 30% of the ad spending in UK has been online.
Contrast this with Italy, where the ratio of money spent online is just over 7.
5% and you will have an idea of the discrepancy in the online spending across both these regions.
So how are the other countries in the region faring? According to a new study on the online ad spending shares across Western Europe, in France, 11.
4% of all ad spending is online.
The corresponding share in Germany is just under 15% while in Spain, the ratio is 10.
So, what do we make of these numbers? Let us look at it from a perspective of internet penetration.
UK has one of the highest internet penetrations in the region and no doubt that the percent of revenue spent online is considerably higher in UK than in the rest of the region.
This is a conclusive lesson on how ad spending is driven not just by economics, but also by the local consumer behavior.