Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

A Life Who Repeats Itself

Poems were written while in Huancayo, Peru, in one afternoon at the Mia Mamma Café, as an unusual project, for the future To be given out as a gift to special friends...
Index of Poems - City of Twigs - A Life Who Repeats His Self...
! (or: Poem of Witt) - When all Meet in Unison - At Times I Hear Voices - The Roosters: "Cock-a-do-doe-do!" (Surrounded by the Andes) City of Twigs Rising, the bushes cover the ears lifted up of the dog- A puddle of water where the cat drinks is hidden from the hound...
! A mother cries out of a tenant window (a baby will soon be born).
Who is this in me that notices' it all? There must be three sizzling men in me (this city is like a tree of twigs).
No: 2620 A Life Who Repeats His Self (or: Poem of Witt) Where is this part of me? That is practical, witty I think as years go on, That part of me, will soon be Long gone...
! Buried, almost too deep to find Buried below the bold and cold wet grass of some foreign ground.
His eyes shut.
Where is this part of me? That was once practical, witty...
"Long gone...
long gone...
!" someone says.
"He lays his coat, on rocks, boulders Buried, almost, too deep to find He was the practical one, Once cunning, now...
Buried below the bold and cold wet grass of some foreign ground.
" His eyes open...
! No: 2661 When All Meet in Unison A man is not a woman.
A woman is not a man and a hummingbird is neither.
When we feel in unison (amongst others) life leaps out like a frog in the night.
Alone in a mountain cave, once unoccupied, a man and a woman, and a hummingbird, sit side by side.
Outside in the deep night, deep snow, and sleet, raining down upon the cave-out in the outside, resides the unknown, inside, all are concentrating on survival.
Those areas beyond understanding are quietly set aside, as every one stretches out in one common goal-to sleep in peace.
No: 2662 At Times I Hear Voices I feel I have wings in my ears sometimes and that the mountains around me, echo all the voices, therein...
I seem to hear the voices of birds, and insects, dogs, cats and sheep, cows and horses, all singing, therein...
Behind all this, is a world still darker That watches, and gazes at us...
, I hear them too! No: 2663 The Roosters: "Cock-a-do-doe-do!" (Surrounded by the Andes) The Roosters ruffle their shoulder feathers-wings! The dogs sleep on sidewalks and streets, on sunny days.
Due from the Andes nearby, seeps down, throws wetness on the grass, dampens the ground, as well.
The Roosters ruffle their shoulder feathers-wings, repeating their awakening sounds, their: "Cock-a-do-doe-do!" and this earthly cycle, continues to go round and round.
No: 2664 Poems by: Dennis L.
Siluk Copyright © August 25, 2009 by Dennis L.
Siluk The Drawing to this booklet (or pamphlet) of poems Illustrated by the author, Dennis L.
Siluk Two Hundred Copies Printed
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