Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

Appropriate Time to Purchase Nursery Furniture

Some women start making plans for their nursery the moment they find out that they're pregnant, while others will wait until later on in their pregnancy to make arrangements. There is no set time for you to start preparing for a nursery; however, there are certain factors that you need to consider before you start.

Although preparing for a nursery is an exciting part of your pregnancy, it's advisable to wait until you've passed the first trimester to start your planning. Approximately 15 to 20 percent of women experience miscarriages during their first trimester; however, the possibility of this happening is reduced as the pregnancy progresses. After you've passed the first trimester, you can start choosing designs, colors and furniture for your nursery.

You may decide to use a theme for your nursery. You can either base your nursery theme on colors or other designs such as cartoon characters. After you've decided on the theme you will use for your nursery, the first thing you should do is paint the room. Painting should be done while the room is still bare as once the nursery becomes filled with furniture, painting becomes more difficulty.

If you are working with a tight budget, it is best to start buying furniture as soon as possible. Items such as cribs, changing tables/dressers, a rocking chair and storage units should be purchased first. You may also want to consider purchasing items that are on sale. If you are going to have a baby shower, register for those items that you are unable to afford.

It's best to have your nursery done and well stocked with essentials such as wipes, diapers, baby powder, petroleum jelly and shampoo approximately a month prior to your due date. You should ensure that you have everything prepared in the event that your baby arrives early.
When organizing your nursery, ask someone for help. It's not safe for you to be moving heavy furniture or to be painting in confined spaces, as this is not healthy for both you and your baby.
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