Unless you're totally into science-fiction and would love to join in the next episode, then hearing about future traumatic possibilities can be very overwhelming.
If the Earth polar shift 2012 would occur, it would change the world as we know it.
While a polar shift has happened before, it has always been gradual and never abruptly.
There are two different theories available right now in regards to polar shifting, and they are cataclysmic and magnetic polar shifting.
People have varying ideas of why these theories could possibly take place.
However, much of what happens depends on how the Earth's magnetic field goes through a geomagnetic polar reversal.
Some say the Earth polar shift 2012 will happen when the magnetic field shifts turn completely around.
The north and south fields will shift totally around, which will cause all types of issues.
The main problem with this switch is there will be a higher cosmic ray level.
We already have some radiation coming from outer space entering into the Earth's atmosphere, but it isn't at a level that will cause problems.
The higher cosmic rays could cause a significant amount of destruction and would affect everything in regards to electronics.
This means GPS won't work, ships and airplanes will have no idea where to go, computers won't work right, and worst of all, nuclear and atomic bombs could automatically launch.
This could create numerous issues that would affect everyone in the world.
NASA doesn't believe the higher level will occur because they don't think there will be an abrupt magnetic polar shift.
They say a geomagnetic reversal happens slowly, and it will take 1,000 to 5,000 years for it to take place.
They believe the magnetic field will stay strong, but it will be more complicated.
This theory is definitely not something to disregard.
An abrupt polar shifting can happen if a large heavenly body filled with massively charged particles came very close to the earth.
Then the experience of an Earth polar shift 2012 is very possible.
The other theory is cataclysmic polar shifting, where a physical shifting of the North and South poles happens.
NASA also says this has occurred during the earth's history, but it's usually gradual and very slowly.
However an abrupt shift has happened before, when the Rodinia supercontinent still existed over 800 million years ago.
There are some doubters who say this probably won't happen in today's age.
One reason why this type of polar shifting could happen is the ice caps could accumulate.
This makes one pole slightly heavier and will make everything completely shift.
Some say this isn't possible, but another reason an Earth polar shift 2012 could happen is when a high-powered celestial body or a high-velocity comet would come close to hitting the earth.
There are other reasons why an Earth polar shift 2012 could take place.
The best place to find out more information is in 2012 Contact.
This guide will help you discover what to do if this would happen.
If the Earth polar shift 2012 would occur, it would change the world as we know it.
While a polar shift has happened before, it has always been gradual and never abruptly.
There are two different theories available right now in regards to polar shifting, and they are cataclysmic and magnetic polar shifting.
People have varying ideas of why these theories could possibly take place.
However, much of what happens depends on how the Earth's magnetic field goes through a geomagnetic polar reversal.
Some say the Earth polar shift 2012 will happen when the magnetic field shifts turn completely around.
The north and south fields will shift totally around, which will cause all types of issues.
The main problem with this switch is there will be a higher cosmic ray level.
We already have some radiation coming from outer space entering into the Earth's atmosphere, but it isn't at a level that will cause problems.
The higher cosmic rays could cause a significant amount of destruction and would affect everything in regards to electronics.
This means GPS won't work, ships and airplanes will have no idea where to go, computers won't work right, and worst of all, nuclear and atomic bombs could automatically launch.
This could create numerous issues that would affect everyone in the world.
NASA doesn't believe the higher level will occur because they don't think there will be an abrupt magnetic polar shift.
They say a geomagnetic reversal happens slowly, and it will take 1,000 to 5,000 years for it to take place.
They believe the magnetic field will stay strong, but it will be more complicated.
This theory is definitely not something to disregard.
An abrupt polar shifting can happen if a large heavenly body filled with massively charged particles came very close to the earth.
Then the experience of an Earth polar shift 2012 is very possible.
The other theory is cataclysmic polar shifting, where a physical shifting of the North and South poles happens.
NASA also says this has occurred during the earth's history, but it's usually gradual and very slowly.
However an abrupt shift has happened before, when the Rodinia supercontinent still existed over 800 million years ago.
There are some doubters who say this probably won't happen in today's age.
One reason why this type of polar shifting could happen is the ice caps could accumulate.
This makes one pole slightly heavier and will make everything completely shift.
Some say this isn't possible, but another reason an Earth polar shift 2012 could happen is when a high-powered celestial body or a high-velocity comet would come close to hitting the earth.
There are other reasons why an Earth polar shift 2012 could take place.
The best place to find out more information is in 2012 Contact.
This guide will help you discover what to do if this would happen.