Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How Does The Man's Sperm Determine The Gender Of The Baby?

The other day, I received an email from a woman who told me that she had read that it's the man (or the father-to-be) who determines baby sex and gender.  She asked, "Is it the sperm that determines if you will have a boy or a girl?  And, if so, why is this true and how can I use this knowledge to get the gender that I want?"  I will address these concerns, and try to answer these questions, in the following article.

Why The Sperm Is Major Factor In Whether You Conceive A Boy Or A Girl:  In truth, both the mother and the father are going to contribute half of the genetic blueprint for the baby that they are conceiving. However, what the mother contributes does not change and cannot fluctuate no matter what you do. In other words, our mothers always give us an X chromosome to which our dad will add either an X or a Y.  In terms of gender, XX eventually gets you a female infant and XY will eventually give you a male infant.

These different sums are possible answers to the equation because the man or the father-to-be can change his contribution.  He can either give an X or a Y.  Now, other then PGD testing, there is really no way to see what's going on inside and to handpick which you get.  But, knowing what we know about the differences between them does offer clues as to how we can influence the outcome.

People often ask me if there is a way to tell if their husband or partner has more X's (if they want a girl) or Y's (if they want a boy) to contribute.  In other words,  they want to know if their partner is more likely to conceive a boy or a girl.  It's generally agreed that men have equal numbers of all of the chromosomes.  One study has suggested that there may be very slight seasonal differences (like more Y's (boys) available in the fall months) but this has by no means been proven and the study shows only a slight increase.

Influencing Whether The Sperm Contributes An X Or A Y To Determine The Preferred Baby Gender:  As I said, unless you have a specialist take a look inside to see (or influence) what's going on, you often aren't going to know what is really happening until you are already pregnant and can get an ultrasound.

But, you can use what we know about these X's and Y's to come up with a regimen that is going to give you the best chance to get the baby gender that you are hoping for.  We know that the X's (or girls) can live for many days longer than the Y's.  This is especially true if we expose the Y or boy sperm to a highly acidic environment.  So, if a daughter is your goal, then you want to conceive before ovulation day comes and you want to make absolutely sure that your vaginal environment is acidic.

If you are hoping for a son, then you want to conceive or have sex after ovulation day comes and you want to get your vaginal environment to have an alkaline reading, which is essentially a low PH.  Some tools that can help you no matter which gender you are going for is PH testers and ovulation predictors.  It also helps to know which foods and douches are acidic and alkaline.

There is one more thing to know. The sexual positions that you use can also help you to reach your goals.  Shallow penetration helps discourage the Y sperm and is best if you are trying to conceive a girl.  Deeper penetration will achieve the opposite.  It helps the Y sperm have less exposure to what makes them vulnerable.

I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender when getting pregnant. You'll find step by step instructions, resources for douche recipes and food PH lists, information on when to conceive, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips.

If you want a girl baby, check out

If you want a boy baby, check out
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