Getting six pack abs is something that many people want but hardly any achieve.
The look of a ripped stomach has captivated people for a long time, but its always seemed to be the privileged few who were able to achieve these works of the human body.
Fortunately, there's a secret way to get six pack abs that Hollywood uses every year to turn run-of-the-mill actors into sex symbols within 3 weeks.
Here's how...
Most people go about getting six pack abs in totally the wrong way.
The majority of people simply try and do as many sit ups or crunches as possible to get their abs toned and their stomach fat burnt.
This is a big no-no and does not work.
All the actors and other "ripped" celebrities out there have got their abs by first burning the fat off their stomach.
The first and most crucial step to getting a six pack is to burn the fat off your stomach.
This is crucial because if you have any sort of fat on there, it's going to cover up your abs and prevent them from showing at all.
And the best way to get your belly fat burnt off is to get your body to do it for you, by manipulating your metabolism.
Your metabolism is the process inside your body which determines how much fat will be stored after each meal.
Controlling your metabolism will control your abs.
Fitness professionals in Hollywood use a secret technique called "Calorie Cycling" to control your stomach fat.
This is where you 'trick' your body into thinking you have plenty of food so it becomes willing to burn your fat.
And with your metabolism in a high-speed type of state, you can then work with it to burn your fat by doing some simple cardio exercises such as swimming, cycling, running and multi-joint aerobics.
Only after their clients have burnt their fat (which does not take long if you have a high metabolism) do Hollywood trainers then get their stars to perform sit ups and crunches.
This is important because these exercises do not burn fat in any way, shape or form.
Instead, they build the abdominal muscles and make them more defined and bigger.
Once you've burnt your fat, it's only a matter of time before you'll get a rippling set of abs, but you need to be sure that the exercises and routines you are doing are effective.
The look of a ripped stomach has captivated people for a long time, but its always seemed to be the privileged few who were able to achieve these works of the human body.
Fortunately, there's a secret way to get six pack abs that Hollywood uses every year to turn run-of-the-mill actors into sex symbols within 3 weeks.
Here's how...
Most people go about getting six pack abs in totally the wrong way.
The majority of people simply try and do as many sit ups or crunches as possible to get their abs toned and their stomach fat burnt.
This is a big no-no and does not work.
All the actors and other "ripped" celebrities out there have got their abs by first burning the fat off their stomach.
The first and most crucial step to getting a six pack is to burn the fat off your stomach.
This is crucial because if you have any sort of fat on there, it's going to cover up your abs and prevent them from showing at all.
And the best way to get your belly fat burnt off is to get your body to do it for you, by manipulating your metabolism.
Your metabolism is the process inside your body which determines how much fat will be stored after each meal.
Controlling your metabolism will control your abs.
Fitness professionals in Hollywood use a secret technique called "Calorie Cycling" to control your stomach fat.
This is where you 'trick' your body into thinking you have plenty of food so it becomes willing to burn your fat.
And with your metabolism in a high-speed type of state, you can then work with it to burn your fat by doing some simple cardio exercises such as swimming, cycling, running and multi-joint aerobics.
Only after their clients have burnt their fat (which does not take long if you have a high metabolism) do Hollywood trainers then get their stars to perform sit ups and crunches.
This is important because these exercises do not burn fat in any way, shape or form.
Instead, they build the abdominal muscles and make them more defined and bigger.
Once you've burnt your fat, it's only a matter of time before you'll get a rippling set of abs, but you need to be sure that the exercises and routines you are doing are effective.