Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Recognizing & Controlling The Early Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting and anxious times in the life of a woman and she has to contend both with alternating feelings of joy, and also feelings of fear and anxiety. A great deal of this is because the changes which are taking place in the body of a mother to be, are often confusing and in many cases can actually be quite uncomfortable.

Those uncomfortable early pregnancy symptoms can be often be lessened by using some of the tried and true methods which have been used by expectant mothers for generations. There are also quite a number of more modern methods for helping pregnant women feel more normal, during what is undoubtedly a very unusual period in their lives.

The most important thing to try and remember when you are coping with these unusual symptoms, is that they will pass in a relatively short period of time, and that the result of having had to endure them, will be a beautiful new member of your family.

Morning sickness which often also includes nausea and vomiting, is one of the classic early pregnancy symptoms. This name of this symptom is a little misleading actually, as the symptom of so called "morning sickness" can and does occur at any time of the day. Some of the methods which you can use to try to alleviate the discomfort are eating saltine crackers, or drinking lemon and lime soda.

Some women also feel that drinking peppermint or ginger tea can bring relief, and another idea which works for a lot of people, is to eat a small snack which is high in protein before bed time.

Fortunately morning sickness usually fades after the first trimester, but another one of the early pregnancy symptoms that affects many pregnant women, is fatigue and a lack of energy. The main reason why this happens, is because of all of the hard work the body of the new mother is doing to support the growing life inside her. However normal hormonal changes due to the pregnancy, can attribute to this symptom as well.

The only real fix for fatigue is to get plenty of rest. That sounds much easier than it actually is, and the mother to be will need the help and support of her partner and other family members, to get the rest she and the growing baby must have. Even a twenty minute nap or some downtime, can do wonders for the expectant mother being able to have more rest and energy.

Another symptom of early pregnancy is dizziness, but luckily this symptom of dizziness is less common than some of the others. It still affects a large number of women however, and of all the symptoms of early pregnancy which can occur, new mothers need to watch out carefully for this one. An unexpected dizzy spell could result in a fall, or even fainting.

The biggest reason why dizziness occurs is due to a shortage of sugar in the blood. This is actually the primary food source of the baby, and a pregnant woman uses it up much more quickly than when she is in a non pregnant state.

The best way to protect against feeling dizzy or faint, is by eating regular healthy meals, and not skipping meals and snacks. To quote the obvious but often disregarded fact, you are actually eating for two when you are pregnant, so focusing on what the body of a pregnant woman needs to stay healthy, is the key in controlling many early pregnancy symptoms.

If these symptoms are controlled, then the new mother to be can focus on what is really important, namely having a healthy and happy pregnancy.
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