Health & Medical Body building

Building Muscles Without Weights? Is it Possible?

A few people wonder if it is possible to build muscles without weights.
The answer is that it is possible, but it won't be as efficient and not recommended.
Especially women have this concern as they do not like to lift weights fearing it will make them bulk up like men.
If such a thing is a concern, you need to understand that the female hormones are not naturally wired for building massive muscle mass although you will get a well shaped lean body with effective training.
You will be able to build muscles initially.
Beginners to muscle building will notice a substantial muscle gain, but without weights, you will not be able to get beyond.
One of the most important components of muscle building exercises is progressive overload.
You need to keep on increase the resistance with weight as you keep building muscles.
Without weights, there is no scope of progressive overload.
However, the good news for you is that only 5% of muscle building is as a result of exercise workouts and the remaining 95% of muscles you build is as a result of following the right diet and recovery mechanism for your muscles.
The diet you take should be the right mixture of carbohydrates, protein and fat.
By following the right diets at the right time, you can boost your metabolism, trigger the hormones that cause the muscle building and also bring about an effective recovery of muscles.
It has to be noted that only while you sleep the muscles are actually getting built and not when you are working out in Gym.
If you are looking for muscle building without weights, you are looking for very wrong information.
Without any supplements and without spending too much time on exercises, you can still build massive muscles by following the right diet at the right time and supplementing them with right exercises.
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