Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Week by week pregnancy guide and pregnancy tips

All women like following their progress, and that of their unborn baby, through a week by week pregnancy guide.

Knowing approximately how big and how long your baby is at any given stage, or what features she has developed is quite thrilling.

A good online week by week pregnancy guide will also have useful pregnancy tips at every stage and mums-to be can see what is, or should be, happening to their body from conception through to giving birth.

Some pregnancy guides are split into three trimesters. Others are literally a week by week pregnancy guide and for women who like to keep up with every single tiny change that is happening, these are great fun to follow.

There's also a serious side to them and women can be alerted to any possible problems by following the week by week pregnancy guides. For example knowing at what stage baby's movements should be felt and knowing why we feel a certain way (and that it's not unusual) can all help allay any fears an expectant mum may have.

Here are some of the best pregnancy tips you'll find on many week by week pregnancy guides:

Take care of yourself

Try to eat healthy food, take any supplements prescribed by your GP, drink plenty of water (at least eight to 10 glasses a day) avoid caffeine, try to do without any alcohol and stop smoking.

Don't overeat

Never think you can now eat for two. You can't. Any overeating will mean you are gaining fat along with baby weight and it will be difficult to shift.

Style matters

These days there are great maternity fashions or you can adapt most of your wardrobe as ‘anything goes', but you'll feel better about yourself if you make some effort to look good.


If you didn't exercise before you were pregnant this is not the time to start working out. But some exercise is important for your general health and also can help reduce stress. Women who exercise – even moderately – during pregnancy have easier labours, recover more quickly from giving birth and can cope better with a demanding baby. At the very least try to walk for ten to twenty minutes every day at a moderate pace.


Try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night and take naps during the day if you can. If you have young children take a nap when they do.

Care for your feet

Wear comfortable, non-restricting shoes and put your feet up several times a day to prevent swelling of the feet, legs, and ankles.

Let others help

Accept any help that is offered from those who are happy to help. And don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

You know best

Learn to listen to and trust your body. The chances are you will know if something is wrong. If in any doubts see your GP.
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