Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Sales Representative Strategy

    Define Target Market

    • Defining your target market as precisely as possible will help you eliminate activities that waste time and money, such as contacting a prospect who is not well-suited for what you are selling. The SuccessDesigns website suggests that you review the characteristics of your current customers to help you determine your future prospects. Also, take a look at your product or service and consider its benefits to your clients, then list who most likely will need it. Use criteria such as age, income and interests to pin down the group that may purchase what you are selling.


    • As a sales representative, your marketing strategy must include how you plan to contact and communicate to people in your target market. Visit or call companies who fit your target market profile. Collect business cards and write down as much information as you remember. Obtain prospect email addresses in order to keep in touch. You can send product information over email and ask to set up an appointment to review what you are selling. In addition, email may be used for special offers or other communications. Create accounts with social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. suggests that you use these sites to find the appropriate company contact for the product or service that you are selling.

    Acquisition and Retention

    • Customer acquisition is key to making an income in sales. However, once you acquire new customers, it costs less to retain them than to seek new ones. Finding new customers through communication is the best approach. However, referrals from friends and other clients can help you fast-track the close of a deal. Once you've made the sale, periodically call, visit or email existing customers to ask about level of satisfaction and to show them the newest product. Staying at the forefront of a customer's mind will help keep the competition at bay.


    • Keeping track of customers and prospects can become a confusing burden. However, without accurate records, you will not be able to sell at your optimum ability. Using an effective software program will reduce the amount of time that you spend inputting data. Programs, such as Sales Force CRM, Sage Act and Big Contacts, help you maintain a database of useful information. Use the one that suits your needs and that you will update regularly to help you realize your sales goals.

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