Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

14 Simple Ways to Heal Yourself Using Quantum Physics

Emotional Balance - Sadness and panic can be relieved by placing frequency embedded ZP coaster (3 1/2 inch frequency disk) over the heart chakra (the area between the breasts) until panic or sadness subsides.
The pendent will stabilize the emotions for a longer term.
Repeat healing with the coaster as needed.
Cuts, Bruises and Bites - Shine the red light from the frequency embedded Natural Laser directly onto the bruise or bite until the pain or itching diminishes.
The blue light can be used simultaneously.
Wear the pendent to continue the healing process.
Sleep and Insomnia - Place the coaster inside the pillowcase on the underside of the pillow with the smooth side towards the head.
Some people get results sleeping with the plate (8 inch frequency disk) in the bed, under the bed, or on the night table.
Frequency tolerance increases with prolonged use.
Some people can sleep with the pendent on and others need to remove it.
It is good to experiment.
Jet Lag - Wear the ZP pendent on the flight.
A coaster can help the experience just holding it, keeping it in a pocket, or holding it by the heart chakra (especially for bumpy flights or those with fear of flying.
) Some people use the coaster or plate for any back pain.
Lasering the back of the knees upon arrival can also help.
Sinus - Point the ZP Natural Laser in each nostril avoiding the eyes, between the eyes on the third eye and the area below the nostrils and above the lips.
Pain - Hold the coaster or plate on the area and breathe deeply.
The technology will often stick to the area of pain like glue.
Sleep with the coaster or plate on the area of pain.
The laser is also excellent for pain.
The red light is very intense in the area of pain.
Laser smaller areas and use the coaster or plate for larger areas.
Prolonging Freshness of Food - Place the ZP plate in the vegetable bin of the refrigerator.
Use the ZP Natural Laser blue and red lights to neutralize mold, bacteria, pesticides, and toxins and enhance the flavor of food.
Hair Dyes, Cleaning Solutions, Cosmetics - Place hair dye on the coaster while mixing and hold the coaster while the dye is setting.
Place other toxic substances (toothbrushes, cosmetics, cleaning products, etc) on coaster and plate to neutralize.
Sore Feet - Place feet on the ZP plate or place the plate in the bathtub for a relaxing bath.
Menopause and Menstrual Cramps - Hold the plate on the lower abdomen or the area that needs healing and shine the laser inside the ankles.
Cell Phone and Electronic Stress - Wear a pendent and keep a coaster near the computer.
Physical Balance and Range of Motion - Wear the pendent for better balance and range of motion.
Focus - Laser around the ears and ear lobes with the red light.
Shine up and down the middle and the base of the head.
shine on the tongue.
Sore Eyes - Use the pendent over the eye and breathe deeply.
Clearer vision has been reported from wearing the pendent as the body balances.
These statements have not been confirmed by the FDA and is not intended to treat disease.
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