Health & Medical Body building

The Truth About Big Arms

Bodybuilders have always been obsessed with their arm size.
And even the general public is amazed and recognizes well developed arms.
There is something powerful about a big and muscular pair of arms, it's like they almost command respect.
But a big and well developed pair of arms is a hard goal to achieve for the drug-free and genetically typical trainee.
The thing that most of the trainees fail to realize is that you can't train just the arms and expect them to grow.
The human body is a well-tuned organism that will only allow for a small amount of asymmetry.
So, if you devote your training energies solely to building big arms, you' would eventually reach a point of total stagnation because you weren't training your other (and bigger) body parts.
The "super supplement" enhanced and the genetically gifted are obviously a different story.
In general, improvements in arm size are directly related to gains in lean body mass.
A good rule of thumb is that for every inch you want to gain on your arms, you need to gain roughly 15 pounds of equally distributed body mass.
In other words, to make significant improvements in your arms, you have to gain mass all over your entire body.
So in order to build big arms it's best that you build a workout routine revolving around the three big lifts - the SQUAT, the DEADLIFT and the BENCH PRESS, and instead of doing 15+ sets of isolated biceps curls and triceps extensions that will just overtrain your arms, you could do a simple routine and try to get the poundage's up in time.
You could do a routine like the one listed bellow or similar without worrying about direct arm work: Monday Free squats 2X10 Lying leg curl 2X10 abs 3 sets to failure Wednesday Bench press 2X 6-8 Military press 2X 6-8 Dips 2x10 Friday Deadlift 2X 5-8 Pull down 2 sets to failure Barbel curls 2X10 It doesn't look like much but try it for a few months and I'm sure that you'll be surprised with the results.
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