When I was a kid, I believed at night, when the lights went out, that the Boogey-Man was under my bed.
And I thought if my foot or arm accidentally went over the side of the bed in the middle of the night...
SWOOOSH!....he would get me!
Do you remember that really, creepy feeling?
Maybe for you - it was the basement, or under the stairs, or your attic where the Boogey-Man was hanging out.
Well - now that you are allllllll grown-up the Boogey-Man is no longer under your bed/closet/basement.
He is cleverly hiding in the word REJECTION.
You know the feeling. That same sick knot in your stomach, sweatiness, heart pounding, clammy hands and a DEEP fear of hearing the word.....
Your Sales Diva Is Here To Put A Spotlight On The Boogey-Man!
Hey look -I've been there. In 20 years of selling believe me - I have had my share of rejection.
I've had rude customers, nice customers, " they -were -going -bankrupt -and -forgot- to -tell -me" kind of customers, customers that went with the competition, customers that only wanted the cheapest products I had, customers that wanted the most expensive products I had, customers who paid on time, customers who paid late and customers I have taken to court.
Thankfully, in 20 years of selling - the majority of customers I've been blessed with are wonderful. But during those 20 years I also had rejection from the nicest customers on the planet - people I really wanted to work with.
And over time - I learned that WHY they rejected me - was usually self-created by MOI.
The Boogey Man Is All In Your Head Lady.
3 Ugly Ways You Create Rejection
1. You Don't Really Know Who Your Target Audience Is. So - because you don't know - you spend a lot of time, energy and money spinning your wheels, being really busy and wondering why success and money are for other people and not you. You cry a lot or get angry when people don't understand why they should buy from you. I guarantee you are getting a lot of NOs from the BOOGEY-MAN sister!
2. You Pressure Your Clients. I see it at almost every networking event or tradeshow. Sales people or business owners that look like "sharks frenzying" with their eyelids rolled back as they pressure some poor unsuspecting person. Some Sales Diva advice? Back off. The Boogey Man loves people who high-pressure their potential customers - he throws NOs at you from every turn!
3. You're Desperate. Yep. You need the money and your client knows it. How? They can smell it on you. You send them 15 e-mails in one week, phone them, leave messages on their voice-mail and basically are a pain in the you know what. While you're putting the full-court press on them - they are thinking of how they are going to block your calls and e-mail. Better get ready to invite the Boogey-Man for dinner because he's on his way in his Boogey-Mobile!
Remember - I've had the Boogey-Man come after me many times when I first was learning how to sell. But I didn't like that sick feeling and made sure to learn from every experience what I did wrong.
And now? Let's just say that the Boogey-Man worries about The Sales Diva!
I Diva-Dare you to take a really close look at why you have been hearing the word NO lately. (and remember - dropping your price isn't going to do the job!)
And I thought if my foot or arm accidentally went over the side of the bed in the middle of the night...
SWOOOSH!....he would get me!
Do you remember that really, creepy feeling?
Maybe for you - it was the basement, or under the stairs, or your attic where the Boogey-Man was hanging out.
Well - now that you are allllllll grown-up the Boogey-Man is no longer under your bed/closet/basement.
He is cleverly hiding in the word REJECTION.
You know the feeling. That same sick knot in your stomach, sweatiness, heart pounding, clammy hands and a DEEP fear of hearing the word.....
Your Sales Diva Is Here To Put A Spotlight On The Boogey-Man!
Hey look -I've been there. In 20 years of selling believe me - I have had my share of rejection.
I've had rude customers, nice customers, " they -were -going -bankrupt -and -forgot- to -tell -me" kind of customers, customers that went with the competition, customers that only wanted the cheapest products I had, customers that wanted the most expensive products I had, customers who paid on time, customers who paid late and customers I have taken to court.
Thankfully, in 20 years of selling - the majority of customers I've been blessed with are wonderful. But during those 20 years I also had rejection from the nicest customers on the planet - people I really wanted to work with.
And over time - I learned that WHY they rejected me - was usually self-created by MOI.
The Boogey Man Is All In Your Head Lady.
3 Ugly Ways You Create Rejection
1. You Don't Really Know Who Your Target Audience Is. So - because you don't know - you spend a lot of time, energy and money spinning your wheels, being really busy and wondering why success and money are for other people and not you. You cry a lot or get angry when people don't understand why they should buy from you. I guarantee you are getting a lot of NOs from the BOOGEY-MAN sister!
2. You Pressure Your Clients. I see it at almost every networking event or tradeshow. Sales people or business owners that look like "sharks frenzying" with their eyelids rolled back as they pressure some poor unsuspecting person. Some Sales Diva advice? Back off. The Boogey Man loves people who high-pressure their potential customers - he throws NOs at you from every turn!
3. You're Desperate. Yep. You need the money and your client knows it. How? They can smell it on you. You send them 15 e-mails in one week, phone them, leave messages on their voice-mail and basically are a pain in the you know what. While you're putting the full-court press on them - they are thinking of how they are going to block your calls and e-mail. Better get ready to invite the Boogey-Man for dinner because he's on his way in his Boogey-Mobile!
Remember - I've had the Boogey-Man come after me many times when I first was learning how to sell. But I didn't like that sick feeling and made sure to learn from every experience what I did wrong.
And now? Let's just say that the Boogey-Man worries about The Sales Diva!
I Diva-Dare you to take a really close look at why you have been hearing the word NO lately. (and remember - dropping your price isn't going to do the job!)