- Form contrast by using light paint against a dark roof.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
Large paint retailers offer numerous terra cotta color-coordinating options. Among other recommended tones, the retail giant Sherwin Williams suggests its paint color, Favorite Tan, for the home's body with a warm Tatami Tan for the trim and the medium brown Tea Chest as an accent color. Many paint manufacturers supply interactive software on their websites, such as CIL's "Color Coordinator" to give you an example of how selected color combinations will look. - Venture to warm color palettes for harmony.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
For a darker body option, choose a rose hue that is a deeper shade than the roof, flanked by white trim and dotted with chocolaty brown accents. Explore the idea of rust as a rich body choice with beige trim and a mid-tone blue for color-infused doors and shutters - If you want your home to blend from top to bottom with only slight variance in color saturation, head to your favorite well-stocked paint store. The simplest way to create a toning effect using your roof's color is to start by finding a paint swatch matching the terra cotta tone. You can then choose one shade lighter or darker from the paint swatch for the exterior walls and one shade off in the other direction for the accents.
- Depending on the style of your home and the neighborhood, select a harmonious color that will be a welcome addition to your community. For example, if you have an older house with architectural interest and live surrounded by similar character homes, walk around and scan other residences for color ideas that work well with the area while still complementing your tile roof and neighborhood. Staying cohesive in your area keeps the location appealing for resale and your nearest fellow citizens happy.
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