Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Methods Of Abortion - Four Methods Of Abortion For You To Choose From

Varied methods are used by a doctor to terminate a pregnancy.
Abortion is induced via a chemical or surgical procedure.
The method of abortion chosen is directly related to the stage of pregnancy- early weeks, first trimester (term of 3 months), or second trimester - and the pregnant woman's preference.
(1)The chemical method simply means giving abortifacient (substance to bring about abortion) drugs to the patient concerned.
This method of abortion is given preference over the surgical one by the mother-to-be.
The drug administered is called the 'abortion pill'.
Two oral drugs known as mifepristone and misoprostol are combined for the procedure.
Also called RU-486, mifepristone puts a halt to the activity of the body's progesterone.
As a result, the embryo separates from the uterus and bleeding takes place.
Once this begins, misoprostol (one dose) is advised.
The tablet induces uterine contractions, thus expelling the unborn fetus.
This method of abortion can be adopted only within the first 2 months of pregnancy in spite of being 95% effective and very safe in nature.
In rare cases, the patient may need to end the treatment with a surgical procedure.
(2)Where surgical procedures are concerned, three methods of abortion are possible for terminating the pregnancy during the first three months of pregnancy.
They are:
    (a)After the cervix is dilated, the embryo is scraped off the walls of the uterus with the aid of a curette (sharp instrument).
    This is called Dilation and Curettage.
    (b)Another method is MVA (Manual Vacuum Aspiration) where after dilating the cervix, the doctor removes the embryonic tissue via a syringe with the help of suction.
    (c)Similar to the above is Electric Vacuum Aspiration.
    The syringe is replaced with an electric pump.
(3)There are three choices offered again where termination of pregnancy during the second trimester is concerned:
    (a)The first method of abortion is D&E or Dilation and Evacuation.
    After dilating the cervix, the uterine walls are scraped with instruments.
    Finally, the embryonic tissue is removed with the help of suction.
    (b)Another method is Hysterotomy or surgical incision of the uterus (similar to cesarean section), where the aborted fetus is removed.
    (c)Intact Dilation and Extraction or Partial Birth Abortion is still under some controversy.
    The cervix is dilated.
    A forceps is used to reverse the fetus into a breech position.
    A suction device is inserted into the fetus' skull after a cut is made at its base.
    The device evacuates the brain tissue present inside.
(4)Though there is another method of abortion, which was very popular till the time anesthetics and surgery were invented, that is, the 19th century, it is neither advocated nor approved by the medical fraternity.
This is the herbal method of abortion and is generally considered unsafe.
So maybe it would be wiser to stay away from it altogether.
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