Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Back Pain - Treatment of Lower Back Pain

While lower back pain can be caused by a multitude of things, some of them very serious, the overwhelming majority of lower back pains are caused by muscular strains and spasms.
Many times, the injury occurs first thing in the morning when you get out of bed and begin your daily activities before your muscles are properly stretched out.
Injury then, can happen from otherwise innocent maneuvers such as bending over to tie your shoelaces or toweling off after a shower, or even turning to wipe your backside after toileting.
You can cause you back additional strain by poor posture, poor body positioning and mechanics when bending or lifting, and lack of exercise.
Other causes of lower back pain include: urinary tract infections, a slipped or herniated disc, stress, fever, arthritis and kidney stones, to name a few.
Once you have determined that you are suffering from a simple "pulled muscle" in your back, you can follow the recommended therapy below to help you get better, fast! Treatment and Expectations: The most important thing to maintain in treatment of simple lower back pains, is to maintain the natural curvature of the lower back.
This can be achieved with a little back support to the lumbar area as shown in the accompanying diagram.
Generally, there are three rules to follow:
  • Total bed rest until your back is completely healed.
    Hard for some of us to do, but your back will suffer longer if you don't!
  • Lay in any position of comfort: If you lay on your back, a pillow or sofa cushion under your knees.
    If you lay on your side, a pillow between your knees.
  • DO NOT do stretches or stretch your back out, no matter how good it feels!!! You always will cause a worse injury.
Take some Advil or Motrin for it's anti-inflammatory and pain killing effects round the clock as labeled.
Apply Ice for 10 minutes on, five minutes off for the first few hours, then use a Heating Pad, for up to two days after the pain has completely resolved.
Above all, rest.
In a few days, after your back gets better, you definitely want to avoid twisting, stooping, bending, lifting and any other activity that will aggravate your lower back muscles.
You want to conduct yourself as if you have a long board tied to your back so as to immobilize your spine.
To avoid a repeat of this painful episode, begin a stretching and exercise program that will strengthen your back and abdominal muscles (to help support your spine) and be sure to stretch lightly when you get out of bed.
Also, be sure to always use the proper technique when lifting and bending.
Seek a Medical Professional if:
  1. The pain last longer than one week and is worsening, or has no improvement.
  2. You lose control of your urine or stool.
  3. Have blood in your urine
  4. You feel any numbness or tingling to legs or feet.
  5. You begin to have paralysis or unusual weakness of any body part.
  6. When in doubt.
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