Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Genetic Testing In Pregnancy For Certain Genes

Genetic testing in pregnancy for certain genes and genetic disorders helps people to prepare for the birth of their child whether healthy or otherwise.
Prenatal diagnosis is preformed to determine if a fetus has any abnormal genes that may be cause for alarm.
Different ethnic groups are more prone to certain genetic disorders, therefore genetic testing in pregnancy allows parents the ability to decide if they want to continue the pregnancy or not.
Either way you will know the status of your unborn child and you receive all the information you need to plan your decision.
Although genetic testing in pregnancy does not come with the guarantee that your baby will be born healthy, it helps to eliminate possible concerns about certain genetic disorders that may be a concern because of the family history of genetic disorders.
Some of the genetic disorders they test for are Downs Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis and Tay-Sachs disease.
The unborn fetus is tested for the genes and in some cases, more than one gene of the same condition may result in the baby being born with the disorder or being born as a carrier if only one gene is detected.
The ethics of genetic testing leave some people and groups undecided.
Most people want a baby even if tests show an abnormal gene, but if the disorder that will cause a painful life for the baby, terminating the pregnancy may need to be considered.
It is hard to watch your baby suffer if you know what the results will be in the end.
People who have genetic disorder genes usually have testing done before pregnancy, but some people do not even realize they have a bad gene and become a father and mother to be.
If genetic testing in pregnancy shows a positive result parents can receive counseling that will provide support and information on issues surrounding the disorder.
You may need counseling to help you make a decision about the future of your pregnancy or about how you will deal with the upcoming birth and thereafter.
This information is vital for some parents if they are at risk for passing on a genetic disorder.
For genetic testing in pregnancy, the doctor will use one of eight ways to do the test; it might be hair, saliva, blood, bone, stool, semen, body tissue or urine.
If these tests show any abnormalities, further testing may require doing an amniocentesis, which is an invasive procedure and has some risks associated with doing this procedure.
People always plan to have a healthy baby, but sometimes things happen and it might not end this way.
If you have genetic testing in pregnancy done early enough, you can plan for the future of your baby.
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