Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

How to Polish Bad Paint

    • 1). Wash the vehicle thoroughly with warm, soapy water and a sponge to remove all traces of dirt, dust and other debris. Any particles left on the vehicle can cause scratches when you begin the polishing process.

    • 2). Buff the vehicle dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. The polishing compound will not work properly if moisture is on the surface of the vehicle.

    • 3). Break off a piece of a clay bar formulated for use on vehicles. These clay bars often come with a special lubricant.

    • 4). Spray a 2-by-2-foot section of the vehicle with the clay lubricant. Immediately begin rubbing the small piece of clay back-and-forth over the wet area, allowing the clay to pick up small pieces of embedded dirt and debris from the surface of the vehicle. Once the clay glides over the vehicle smoothly, it has removed all the debris.

    • 5). Wipe the area clean with a soft cloth to remove all traces of the clay and move to the next area. When done properly, the surface of the vehicle should be as smooth as glass. If you drop the clay, throw it away. Do not use it, as dirt and debris from the ground will be embedded in the clay, and it will damage the paint.

    • 6). Dip some car polish out of the container and put it on a soft cloth. Rub the polish onto the surface of the car in a circular motion in a thick layer. You want the polishing compound to be thick enough that it obscures the color of the car, but not a solid layer like mud.

    • 7). Remove as much of the excess polishing compound with a clean cloth as you can, discarding the cloths as needed. You do not want to redistribute the polish back onto the vehicle.

    • 8). Polish the vehicle with another soft cloth, working in a circular motion until all traces of the polishing compound are gone. As a section of the cloth becomes soiled, fold it so you can use another section.

    • 9). Apply a coat of wax to the vehicle when you are done polishing. Buff the excess wax compound from the vehicle with a soft, lint-free cloth.

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