Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Tips To Getting Pregnant And Increasing Chances To Conceive

Bearing a child may come easy for some couples.
Yet, there are also those who are a bit challenged in child conception.
To help you and your spouse to have better chances of successful conception, below are some tips to getting pregnant that you can follow.
See A Doctor For Checkup Before you and your partner even attempt to conceive, it is best that you both undergo medical checkup.
This way, any medical conditions that might impede or complicate conception can be properly treated.
The doctor can also prescribe prenatal vitamins such as folic acid that will help prevent birth defects.
Be Aware OF Your Menstrual Cycle Some women have regular menstruation while others also endure irregular periods.
Even if a woman has regular monthly periods, she might not fully be attuned to or aware of her cycle.
In getting pregnant, both man and woman should know of the woman's ovulation in order to accurately time their love making.
This knowledge will help them take advantage of the time when the woman is most fertile.
Signs of ovulation should be known, such as changes in the cervical mucus.
When the mucus is slippery and thin like egg whites, you are at a most fertile time of the month and therefore, you and your spouse should engage in an ardent lovemaking session.
Know What To Do After Lovemaking You probably heard or read about lying low right after coupling; your feet should be placed up so that pregnancy chances will be improved.
Lying down after a session is indeed helpful, but you can skip the part where you have to raise your legs or feet up.
Raising your feet will not do well in moving the pelvis.
You should also not urinate of go to the bathroom right after making love.
Let 10-15 minutes pass first so that you can give time for the sperm to travel and get settled into the cervix.
Make Love In Moderation In your haste to get pregnant as soon as possible, you and your partner probably have been making out on a daily basis.
This will not actually help in achieving your goals, and might even put unnecessary stress on both of you.
What will most likely help in conceiving is to make love every other night around the period of ovulation.
It is interesting to know that the sperm has a lifespan of up to three days or 72 hours after the intercourse.
Speaking of stress, it will also be good for both of you not to get too tensed and pressured at getting pregnant.
Stress can interfere with a woman's ovulation.
You both just need to relax and consider getting into some methods for reducing stress such as acupuncture.
Take Care Of The Sperms There are many ways that the quality of a man's sperm can be maintained and protected.
Do not subject the testicles to unnecessary heat like sitting too long in a hot tub or Jacuzzi.
Remind your husband not to place his phone in the pocket near his nether region because this can also make the quality of sperm poorer.
You should also not serve your man with soy foods because this can lead to lower concentration of sperm.
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