Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

MSM Benefits - What It Is and How It"s Helpful!

Today I'm going to share with you the leading MSM benefits and what this substance really is.
MSM was first discovered around World War 2 and is a sulfur compound.
You can find it in dietary supplements, fruits, vegetables, grains and some meat products.
Also it is seen in some skin-care products, but according to Langone Medical Center it isn't absorbed through the skin.
Since sulfur is found in nearly every cell, it plays an important role when it comes to how the body functions.
Have you ever heard of something called glutathione? It's an antioxidant and some people feel it's the most important one.
The great thing is that the human body actually creates it.
Unfortunately, toxins from the environment, food, stress, aging, infections and medicines all deplete its supply.
Without sulfur from MSM your body can't create this antioxidant and this is a big reason why you want to take MSM.
Another way MSM is very helpful is that it can help reduce the pain of arthritis and joint inflammation.
In the U.
National Library of Medicine 50 people with knee arthritis were split into two groups.
One group received 3 grams of MSM a day and the other group received a placebo pill.
After 3 months the result was that the group that received this nutrient experienced a significant decrease in the pain of their knee.
Also this substance improved performing daily activities using their knee.
Next up MSM can help with allergies.
In the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 55 patients with allergic rhinitis were given 2,600 MG a day.
Within just 7 days it was reported that the patients experienced significant reduced upper and total respiratory symptoms.
Two weeks later lower respiratory symptoms were significantly improved.
More good news is that few side effects were associated with MSM and the patients energy levels were improved by the second week.
If that wasn't enough this nutrient can help the skin, hair and nails.
MSM provides sulfur needed to make collagen, which can contribute to the strength of hair and nails.
It has anti-inflammatory capabilities that can help the skin.
There was a study done at the San Gallicano Dermatologic Instutute in Rome that showed it could help with Rosacea.
Rosacea is a skin condition where someone's skin turns a red color.
46 patients in the study either took a placebo topical medicine or a combination of silymarin and MSM.
Silymarin is another name for milk thistle, which is a herbal medicine.
After 30 days the conclusion was that MSM and silymarin showed significant improvements in skin redness, itching, hydration and papules, which are solid raised areas on the skin.
To sum everything up the leading MSM benefits is that it helps make glutathione, helps with arthritis, allergies, improves the hair, nails and skin.
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