Whenever a client of mine achieves top rankings, he invariably asks our SEO Company if they should now stop the SEO campaign. In fact even many SEO Consultants don't seem to know the answer. Every SEO forum sees lot of flurry and action whenever such question is posted. Can a site have enough SEO and link building? Is there a limit to it? Or is it a never ending cycle?
To answer the question we have to understand how SEO works. SEO involves continuous campaign in which the objective is to acquire more high quality backlinks than your competitors. The search engine results landscape is effected by millions of variables which includes not only search engine's algorithm but also all other sites. There are thousands of sites that link back to your site. Google's can influence them lot of ways like page rank which in turn can affect your site. Similarly, there maybe thousands of sites competing for the same keywords. The fight for the top slots is a 24x7 battle. It never stops. Not even when you are sleeping or on holidays! At any given time the same activities that you are doing is also been done by your rivals.
In such scenario, which site will come at the top? The site which has acquired the most and best inbound links. Yes, I know many of you will say that on page optimization and content also greatly influence a website's SERPs. But if we consider everything else been the same, it's Backlinks that makes or break a SEO campaign. You may succeed with only on page SEO with odd sites which are targeting very low count keywords but such success will be hard to replicate for highly competitive keywords. I can hear some of you, saying "Content is King". But let me bust this myth for you. Just content won't get you anywhere. If you point me to some excellent sites with great content dominating Google results then I would request you to take a look at their backlinks. Site with great and useful content is often referenced, quoted and used by other sites and bloggers while discussing a subject. So in a way backlinks are helping them their SEO campaign. How many sites can have great content that will be pointed by other sites? How many businesses can do so? Let's us agree to the fact that good content is not that easy to write.
Now, to answer the question that we were discussing. The answer is NO, you cannot stop SEO. Once, you have achieved top position; go in to a maintenance mode. Discover new keywords to dominate. Why stop at just couple of keywords. Start SEO campaign to cover more keywords, more markets and more audience. And never be complacent. If you even slightly ease the pedal on your SEO campaign, it's very likely that a more persisting rival will overtake you in few months. Can you afford that?
Author: Donna Nocero
To answer the question we have to understand how SEO works. SEO involves continuous campaign in which the objective is to acquire more high quality backlinks than your competitors. The search engine results landscape is effected by millions of variables which includes not only search engine's algorithm but also all other sites. There are thousands of sites that link back to your site. Google's can influence them lot of ways like page rank which in turn can affect your site. Similarly, there maybe thousands of sites competing for the same keywords. The fight for the top slots is a 24x7 battle. It never stops. Not even when you are sleeping or on holidays! At any given time the same activities that you are doing is also been done by your rivals.
In such scenario, which site will come at the top? The site which has acquired the most and best inbound links. Yes, I know many of you will say that on page optimization and content also greatly influence a website's SERPs. But if we consider everything else been the same, it's Backlinks that makes or break a SEO campaign. You may succeed with only on page SEO with odd sites which are targeting very low count keywords but such success will be hard to replicate for highly competitive keywords. I can hear some of you, saying "Content is King". But let me bust this myth for you. Just content won't get you anywhere. If you point me to some excellent sites with great content dominating Google results then I would request you to take a look at their backlinks. Site with great and useful content is often referenced, quoted and used by other sites and bloggers while discussing a subject. So in a way backlinks are helping them their SEO campaign. How many sites can have great content that will be pointed by other sites? How many businesses can do so? Let's us agree to the fact that good content is not that easy to write.
Now, to answer the question that we were discussing. The answer is NO, you cannot stop SEO. Once, you have achieved top position; go in to a maintenance mode. Discover new keywords to dominate. Why stop at just couple of keywords. Start SEO campaign to cover more keywords, more markets and more audience. And never be complacent. If you even slightly ease the pedal on your SEO campaign, it's very likely that a more persisting rival will overtake you in few months. Can you afford that?
Author: Donna Nocero