Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Understanding Ovarian Cysts

Being told that you have an ovarian cyst while you are pregnant can cause a mother to be to worry.
Do try to remember though, ovarian cysts are very common during pregnancy, many women have faced the same problems as yourself and come through the other side, happy and healthy with a happy and healthy baby.
Do try not to worry too much, as this worry will not do you or the baby any good at all.
Being pregnant, can, in itself not be easy, with morning sickness and your hormones all over the place.
So, what you need to do is seek prompt treatment of the cyst.
But, until then, a little information may help you to stop worrying.
An ovarian cyst that appears during pregnancy may be either benign or malignant, the benign cyst will cause you no problems what so ever and these are very often ignored once they have been checked a couple of times to make sure they are not growing too much.
A malignant cyst however, can obviously cause great risk during pregnancy.
So, the first thing to be done, is to find out the nature of the cyst.
A doctor can perform an ultrasound scan on the abdomen to see whether the cyst is benign or malignant, a benign cyst will appear as a fluid filled sac with no thick walls.
Once this has been examined a treatment plan will follow.
Even if the cyst is benign,depending on where it is and how big it is, a problem may arise, so it will need to be carefully monitored.
The best thing to do is talk with your health professionals.
Even a benign ovarian cyst can cause problems in pregnancy due to the fact that they can grow quite large.
As they grow larger they can cause the mother to be to suffer pain.
Also, if they rupture they can cause a risk of miscarriage or premature birth of the baby, though if they do rupture there is no worry of infection to mum or baby, though there is pain in the rupturing of a cyst.
So, if you need painkillers, make sure they are safe for use in pregnancy.
An ovarian cyst, if it has grown quite large can twist on itself.
As this can be very painful, you may need to have it surgically removed.
The surgical procedure will not harm the baby or affect the pregnancy in any way, but if it can be avoided, it should be avoided during pregnancy.
Though, if it grows to 6 - 8cm it will need to be surgically removed.
The best time to operate during the pregnancy is between 14 - 16 weeks, the second trimester.
This is done, very often, through a laparoscopy, though, if the cyst has grown quite large a bigger incision may have to be made, to to the risks of the cyst rupturing.
The doctor will, quite often, simply monitor the cyst until your second trimester when he can remove it without too much worry.
Ovarian cysts are as likely to appear when you are not pregnant as when you are.
They can disappear on their own quite easily, as quickly as they appeared.
As long as your health professional can monitor the cyst and you can talk to your health professional there should be no health problems.
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