- 1). Always close windows when you leave the house. Consider purchasing a window key lock from the hardware store for extra security.
- 2). Install a high-quality deadbolt on your front door. The bolt should measure one inch long for maximum security.
- 3). Insert a long, thin, metal or thick wood stick inside the bottom track of any sliding doors. This will prevent thieves from sliding the door open.
- 4). Install an alarm system. The security company will likely give you a sticker to place in a window located at the front of your house. A would-be burglar may be deterred if he knows your home has an alarm system.
- 5). Install a timer on your lights so that they turn on at night, even if you're not home. Thieves are more likely to burglarize homes that appear empty. If a burglar sees lights inside the house, he may think that people are inside.
- 6). Purchase a solid, thick, high-quality door. Thieves can easily kick in hollow or light doors.
- 7). Stow away ladders when you leave the house. A ladder could allow a thief to break into a second-story window.